I wonder if there's any potential for cross-pollination with the #HelloSystem and #AiryxOS projects (particularly the latter).
I'm kinda sad that the NextStep derivates are all in maintenance mode and barely used (not counting Apple products). That OS had so many great ideas.
Have you looked at HelloSystem and AiryxOS? They're both #FreeBSD-based OS projects taking inspiration from early Mac OS X.
#HelloSystem is trying to recreate the feel, functionality, and philosophy of pre-iOSification Mac OS X, while #Airyx is actually striving for Mac OS compatibility.
In fact, #helloSystem is built on the following principles: 1. Throw out everything that is complicated or not Unix like (high overlap with everything that has ever been touched by Red hat) 2. Follow the publicly documented principles from https://dl.acm.org/doi/book/10.5555/573097 3. Be unapologetically mouse and desktop centric
#LinuxUsability: It is not a proper desktop if you can't FREELY position items ANYWHERE... Why don't most desktop environments get spatial orientation right?-- In #helloSystem we will follow principles laid out by @siracusa. At the moment I am rewriting the Filer from scratch: https://github.com/probonopd/Filer/
Spatial orientation means that every item in the filesystem has one (and only one) location (pixel coordinates) on the screen, and you can logically group and visually arrange things. It is suprising how few (any?) open source file managers get this right, to this day. #LinuxUsability #helloSystem
Incredibly helpful to see at first glance which application a document is associated to be opened with. And to be able to set the application for each document, not just for all documents of the same MIME type. #helloSystem https://github.com/probonopd/Filer/
@uma Once 14.0 has working GPU drivers (based on past experiences, this won't be until 14.1 is out), #helloSystem will make the switch for sure.
#helloSystem builds for what will become 0.9.0 (based on #FreeBSD 13.2-RELEASE) are being tested. Join the fun, boot the Live ISO on real hardware and let me know how it goes: https://github.com/helloSystem/ISO/releases/tag/experimental-13.2
@dcodejams Yes, and that's not sufficient since it doesn't allow to open different files of the same type with different applications, e.g., the ones that had created them. One also needs creator information and similar metadata in order to have a good experience. #helloSystem will use extended filesystem attributes for that.
Of course, #helloSystem can handle that in a GUI, but it feels good that the underlying concepts are simple. No databases. No config files. Just some symlinks.
Why hasn't setting MIME default applications always been that easy? #helloSystem #Unix #FreeBSD
Somewhere along the way our file managers lost the ability to show, with their icon, which application gets to open which file. We need to restore this useful capability. #helloSystem
Et bien voila.
Une widget qui charge db IANA local. Une vraie relation pixel position / coordonnées, un list de villes créer en fonction de la ou click l'utilisateur. Hooooop Hoop hop
L'outil est pour le projet #helloSystem .
#nowcoding c'est now que l'on a besoin de nous ...
Je code un utilitaire de configuration de l'heure et de la date pour #helloSystem, du coup les widgets sont custom, c'est du code pyQt5.
@f4grx There's even a nice #creative - centric #FreeBSD distro called #helloSystem:
I think it looks nicer and cleaner than #macOS:
#macOS #helloSystem #FreeBSD #creative
@ipg @ds Yes, I do [#pfSense, #TrueNAS] and many others [#helloSystem]:
#helloSystem #truenas #pfsense
#helloSystem now has experimental builds based on #FreeBSD 13.2-RELEASE... get them while they are fresh: https://github.com/helloSystem/ISO/releases/tag/experimental-13.2
@scops @thomholwerda yes, this is the situation it is intended for. But keep in mind that #helloSystem is not even at 1.0 yet.