Hell of the Living Dead (1980)
The film does have its fair share of moments and these are why it is so fondly remembered, and worth sitting
#MovieStuffs #Reviews #BrunoMattei #ClaudioFragasso #DawnoftheDead #DuskoftheDead #FrancoGarofalo #GabrielRenom #Goblin #HelloftheLivingDead #JoséGras #JosepLluísFonoll #MargieNewton #NightoftheZombies #SelanKaray #SoyoumightknowthisfilmasZombiesCreepingFlesh #Virus #Zombi #Zombi4 #Zombie4
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#ThisNightIllWatchYour 4k UHD release from #88Films
of #BrunoMattei’s ZOMBIE CREEPING FLESH / VIRUS / HELL OF THE LIVING DEAD. Super excited to watch one of my fave Italian #zombie films in 4k. Let’s chow down. #Eurocult #Eurohorror. #ZombieCreepingFlesh #HelloftheLivingDead
#ThisNightIllWatchYour #88films #brunomattei #zombie #eurocult #eurohorror #zombiecreepingflesh #hellofthelivingdead