I updated my profile @viriathus with Hellō Mastodon Builder https://wallet.hello.coop/mastodon#254 #HellōMastodon
I updated my profile @kevinwherron with Hellō Mastodon Builder https://wallet.hello.coop/mastodon#232 #HellōMastodon
I updated my profile @ianovic69 with Hellō Mastodon Builder https://wallet.hello.coop/mastodon#228 #HellōMastodon
I updated my profile @brodyalpert with Hellō Mastodon Builder https://wallet.hello.coop/mastodon#227 #HellōMastodon
I am tired. So tired. I finally have the energy to make an introductory post.
Hello everyone, I'm Albert, or Al for short. I have very strong Liberal opinions on what I like and dislike from my politics in America. I am poly with my fiancé and my girlfriend as well.
I am genderfluid. This is recent and I am slow in coming out of my shell. I use all pronouns but use male pronouns more than female. I'm taking my time to learn about this as I love to wear female clothing or think about my alternate Alice sona. I am a big fat boring black wolf with some gray on him as well. So expect to see art of guys and ladies to show up in your timelines.
Now let's talk about kinks and how much of a kinky Liberal Democrat I am. Inflation, transformation, slob, plushies, taurs, Lucarios, hyper, muscles, macro/micro, musk sex, sex, S E X...hahaha. The biggest kink I love is fat. FAT FAT F A T! Anything to make someone bigger is a plus for me and anything twink or weight loss is depressing to me.
Among other things, I am an Air Force Veteran. Served in the Iraq war from Jul 2010-Jan 2011 and left the military honorably. When I left the military life and joined civilian life it was hard. I am currently struggling with severe anxiety and depression from my time in the military. So expect some sad posts and painful topics on here.
I am tired due to how much physical work is going into a laundry attendant, busy life at home and just wanna play games and relax, but it's not that easy.
So thank you everyone for looking and reading at this long ranty post. Please take care of yourselves and each other.
#hellomastodon #furryfediverse #introduction #introductionpost #furry
#hellomastodon #furryfediverse #introduction #introductionpost #furry
A PhD student interested in ancient human oral microbiome, from 🇮🇹 and currently in 🇪🇪 .
#introduction #hellomastodon
I updated my profile @expert with Hellō Mastodon Builder https://wallet.hello.coop/mastodon#221 #HellōMastodon
I updated my profile @themitchcohen with Hellō Mastodon Builder https://wallet.hello.coop/mastodon#220 #HellōMastodon
I updated my profile @guri with Hellō Mastodon Builder https://wallet.hello.coop/mastodon#219 #HellōMastodon
Привет, mastodon. Я тут осматриваюсь уже около месяца. Не сказать что я все понял, но мне тут кажется нравится. Никогда не вел блог и даже аккаунта в синей птице не имел, поэтому писать для меня в новинку.
Кажется тут принято рассказывать о себе.
Андрей, инженер по профессии и складу ума. Люблю фотографию и компьютерные игры. Занимался переводами манги на русский, вел небольшой канал на ютубе. Сейчас потихоньку изучаю React на the Odin project.
Открыт для бесед и обмена идеями.
And *poof*... it's done. Deactivated both my accounts on the #birdsite after way more than a decade. RIP 🐦
#birdsite #xit #xitter #xodus #GoodByeTwitter #hellomastodon #NewHome
I updated my profile @nirmalhk7 with Hellō Mastodon Builder https://wallet.hello.coop/mastodon#205 #HellōMastodon
Good afternoon!
Apparently I'm still shadowbanned over on Twitter.
#selfie #hellomastodon #transwomenarewomen #TransRights #transjoy
#selfie #hellomastodon #transwomenarewomen #transrights #transjoy
I updated my profile @BarryDawson with Hellō Mastodon Builder https://wallet.hello.coop/mastodon#202 #HellōMastodon
I updated my profile @donks with Hellō Mastodon Builder https://wallet.hello.coop/mastodon#201 #HellōMastodon
I updated my profile @ajhalili2006 with Hellō Mastodon Builder https://wallet.hello.coop/mastodon#191 #HellōMastodon
I updated my profile @itsrommelraymundo with Hellō Mastodon Builder https://wallet.hello.coop/mastodon#185 #HellōMastodon
初めまして。Red Castlesと申します。複数形になっていますけど個人です。
Sorry for the info overload with previous toots! Just wanted to help anyone who is still finding their way round here! The vid in particular is a fabulously simple explanation of #Mastodon #Helpful #LoveMasto #twitterisdead #TwitterMigration #hellomastodon ❤️
#hellomastodon #twittermigration #twitterisdead #lovemasto #helpful #Mastodon