#HelmholtzMunich experts Prof. Ali Önder Yildirim & Dr. Otmar Schmid are making remarkable strides in lung research in understanding pulmonary fibrosis & #COPD. Their innovative approaches offer new hope for therapies against serious lung
👏Matthias Hebrok receives Bavarian Distinguished Professorship!
💡The Director of the Institute for Diabetes and Organoid Technology at #HelmholtzMunich works on pancreatic #organoids to obtain #therapies for #Diabetes & #PancreaticCancer.
👉More info: 🔗https://www.helmholtz-munich.de/en/newsroom/news-all/artikel/research-against-cancer-and-diabetes-matthias-hebrok-receives-bavarian-distinguished-professorship
#helmholtzmunich #organoids #therapies #diabetes #pancreaticcancer
💬#Interview: 𝗗𝗮𝗻𝗶𝗲𝗹 𝗞𝗿𝗮𝗽𝗽𝗺𝗮𝗻𝗻 talks about his inspiring goals in his new #Research Unit “Signaling and Translation” at #HelmholtzMunich.
💡By comparing states of cell #signaling, they aim to develop #PrecisionMedicine.
👉Full interview:
#interview #research #helmholtzmunich #signaling #precisionmedicine
Heute werden die #Leibnizpreise u.a. an Fabian Theis vom #HelmholtzMunich und Stefan Pfister vom #DKFZ übergeben.
Der Livestream der Kolleg:innen der DFG startet um 16 Uhr: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ClpdYuUu4M (hk)
#leibnizpreise #helmholtzmunich #dkfz
❓What are the #molecular mechanisms of #stress #hormones?
👩🔬Nina Henriette Uhlenhaut
from #HelmholtzMunich
is #ERC Consolidator Grant winner for her project GRACE to answer this question. 👏Congratulations!
👉Read more about the project:
#molecular #stress #hormones #helmholtzmunich #erc #erccog
Fabian Theis erhält den Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz-Preis 2023 #LeibnizPreis. Wir bei #HelmholtzMunich sind unglaublich stolz und gratulieren zu dieser herausragenden Leistung 👉 Mehr lesen: https://www.helmholtz-munich.de/newsroom/news/artikel/fabian-theis-wins-leibniz-prize-2023
#Leibnizpreis #helmholtzmunich