Gizmodo: Good News Everyone: We Found a New Species of Roundworm That Can Infect Our Brains #intestinalinfectiousdiseases #healthmedicalpharma #hypereosinophilic #tropicaldiseases #helminthiasis #helminthiases #ascaridida #infection #zoonoses #ascaris #hands #worm
#intestinalinfectiousdiseases #healthmedicalpharma #hypereosinophilic #tropicaldiseases #helminthiasis #helminthiases #ascaridida #infection #zoonoses #ascaris #hands #worm
@ChristosArgyrop Reddit's #LongCovid forums have a fair number of posts in which people report transient benefit with return to baseline after a few weeks. Helminth infection carries a high burden of #ChronicImmuneActivation, not unlike HIV and LC. Transient benefit in patients suffering #helminthiasis makes sense in models where immune activation is treated as a threshold phenomenon, foundationally. Petitioners should concentrate on false claims of viral inhibition.
#helminthiasis #chronicimmuneactivation #LongCovid