#readytomeetyou #nosferatu #thishonourablefish #helmutbuntjer #anjakreysing #schwarzweissistdiebesserefarbe #silentfilm #concert #livesoundtrack #accordion #electronics #trombone #wallofsound #infectiouscinema
#readytomeetyou #nosferatu #thishonourablefish #helmutbuntjer #anjakreysing #schwarzweissistdiebesserefarbe #silentfilm #concert #livesoundtrack #accordion #electronics #trombone #wallofsound #infectiouscinema
Hi I am Anja, i am new here on sonomu.club - thanks for having me! 😀 May I introduce myself with some snippets of my work, starting with a
rehearsal together with Helmut Buntjer for a performance with our label #schwarzweissistdiebesserefarbe #livesoundtrack for #silentfilm with #accordion #electronics #trombone #euphonium
#helmutbuntjer #anjakreysing #soundtrack #soundart #sound #music #art #fedimusic #live
#schwarzweissistdiebesserefarbe #livesoundtrack #silentfilm #accordion #electronics #trombone #euphonium #helmutbuntjer #anjakreysing #soundtrack #soundart #sound #music #art #fedimusic #live
Hi I am Anja, i am new here. May I introduce myself with some snippets of my work - here a
rehearsal together with Helmut Buntjer for a performance with our label #schwarzweissistdiebesserefarbe #helmutbuntjer #anjakreysing #accordion #electronics #trombone #euphonium #soundtrack #soundart #sound #music #art #fedimusic #live
#live #fedimusic #art #music #sound #soundart #soundtrack #euphonium #trombone #electronics #accordion #anjakreysing #helmutbuntjer #schwarzweissistdiebesserefarbe