Relativisten · @Relativisten
114 followers · 104 posts · Server

I got a invite (although public) to apply to do a Swedish voice over for a game.

The character was named Ingrid and was a seasoned soldier. I vibrate with this script sooo much but I haven't got the skills in sound editing.. Yet! (New special interests incoming?)

Any tips for the one with the voice and without the editing skills on how to go about this? Should I even put time into it?

#helpanewbie #soundediting #voiceacting #voiceover

Last updated 2 years ago

Of course I would pick the server that won’t show my header or connect to upload any of my media… help what does a girl need to do to get these going? I tried to log into my sever settings and change my profile and settings there. No luck.

:scremcat: :maybe_verified:

#imnewhere #twitterrefugee #ibrokeit #balfenation #helpanewbie #ohai

Last updated 2 years ago

HarleyQueen · @HarleyQueen67
2 followers · 13 posts · Server

Hi everyone and anyone! I am new here to Mastadon, and have no idea what I am doing. I am on an iPad and it looks different than it does on my phone, there is no place to add pics in the new post window! Any help would be greatly appreciated as I learn this new format! Thank you!

#ioshelp #howdoipostpics #newtomastadon #helpanewbie

Last updated 2 years ago