Remember the folk wisdom adage, "Feed a cold, starve a fever?" My #NoContact take on it is, "Feed a cold. Starve a #psycho."
The purpose of practicing No Contact isn't to punish or hurt the #narcissist, #borderline or #histrionic ex. It's to give yourself the emotional and physical distance to clear the #FOG (fear, obligation, guilt) and begin you #grief and #healingtrauma work.
Going No Contact also denies the #NPD, #BPD or #HPD ex the access needed to read you and, thus, emotionally manipulate you. They'll likely continue to text, email, call and find other ways to breach your #boundaries. However, they'll be aiming blindfolded and unable to fine tune their #manipulation.
Additionally remaining No Contact deprives the NPD, BPD or HPD ex the oxygen of attention that they crave. If they're not getting their #NarcissisticSupply from you, they'll eventually seek it elsewhere. That is, if they weren't already during your relationship with them.
#nocontact #psycho #narcissist #borderline #histrionic #fog #grief #healingtrauma #npd #bpd #hpd #boundaries #manipulation #narcissisticsupply #abusehasnogender #helpformen
Eliminate gender bias. Including gender bias in family court.