Hey, if I turn into a reply-guy, I beg you all to slap me in the junk. #helpingEachOther #mindfulness #eesh
#helpingeachother #mindfulness #eesh
Been a long couple days at work, lots of people buying stuff. I sell stuff in a store. It isn't anything necessary, it usually isn't anything expensive, but it's stuff that people relax with. Trinkets and entertainment that allow them to relax. Sometimes I feel a bit guilty because there are places where there isn't such a possibility. Then I go donate to help Ukraine. Eventually, Ukraine will rebuild their country and someone else will need help.
#RetailLife #ukraine #helpingeachother
#retaillife #ukraine #helpingeachother
Another great big thank you to Cheshire Food Hub for the donation of bread. It was greatly received. #helpingeachother #helpingthecommunity #workingtogether #darecarefairshare
#helpingeachother #helpingthecommunity #WorkingTogether #darecarefairshare
Not everything has to have an answer. Some questions don't need to be asked. Be open and kind. Be humble and generous. #friendship #helpingeachother