Please come along to our toy support and coffee morning, no judgement…just friendly faces and a cuppa! Don’t forget your carrier bags. #HelpingTheCommunity #CostOfLiving #CareFareDareShare #focusTrust
#helpingthecommunity #costofliving #CareFareDareShare #FocusTrust
We know things are going to be tough for some this year. We’re hoping to do a toy swap for Christmas. Do you have any good quality toys/games that you no longer want? Please drop into school if you can help. Please boost if you can #helpingthecommunity @FocusTrust1
Another great big thank you to Cheshire Food Hub for the donation of bread. It was greatly received. #helpingeachother #helpingthecommunity #workingtogether #darecarefairshare
#helpingeachother #helpingthecommunity #WorkingTogether #darecarefairshare