RT @USCGGreatLakes
If it's floating, we're searching - so please label all gear & vessels & stow carefully! @USCG Station Alexandria Bay & partners launched & searched today after a report of this 14-foot boat adrift & half full of water in the #StLawrenceRiver. #HelpUsHelpYou #LabelYourGear
#stlawrenceriver #helpushelpyou #labelyourgear
RT @jammin_w@twitter.com
Last night I became a signature Captain for the @WholeWashington@twitter.com Organization that's campaigning for Medicare 4 ALL WASHINGTONIANS. Starting in May thru December we will have to get 400,000 signatures to get this initiative on the ballot. #HelpUsHelpYou #WestCoastBestCoast #PPOW
#PPOW #westcoastbestcoast #helpushelpyou