Thanks @poetactics -- what a gentle, thoughtful little film.
LibreOffice-Serie: Kompatible Schriftarten
Mit metrisch kompatiblen Schriftarten kann man in LireOffice Microsoft-Fonts ersetzen.
#LibreOffice #Schriftarten #Liberation #Croscore #Arial #Helvetica #Linux
#libreoffice #schriftarten #liberation #croscore #Arial #helvetica #linux
Thank the wayback machine for this one:
Hellvetica.ttf | Kern in hell
So, there are enough #Helvetica clones, but what about Akzidenz-Grotesk clones?
#helvetica #typedesign #workinprogress
¿Conoces el nombre original de Helvética?
👉 Descubre la historia completa en el nuevo podcast en español de Diseño Gráfico y Tipografía: CHENSIO, Asuntos Gráficos.
#Helvetica #diseño #diseñográfico #tipografía #NeueHaasGrotesk #💡 #curiosidades
#helvetica #diseno #disenografico #tipografia #neuehaasgrotesk #curiosidades
Ich komm nicht darüber hinweg, wie passioniert man über eine #Schriftart schreiben kann. (von 2010)
Adaptation responsive du poster de #JosefMullerBrockmann de 1957 (Juni-Festwochen Zürich (1957))
Le style Suisse des années 1950 se démarque par son côté “neutre,” avec une esthétique universelle et transfrontalière, idéale pour véhiculer clairement des informations.
À retrouver sur :
#Grid #Typography #SwissTypo #SwissType #InternationalTypographicStyle #SwissInternationalStyle #AnonymousStyle #SwissInternational #Rastersystem #Gridsystem #Helvetica #Brutalism
#brutalism #helvetica #gridsystem #rastersystem #swissinternational #anonymousstyle #swissinternationalstyle #internationaltypographicstyle #swisstype #swisstypo #typography #grid #josefmullerbrockmann
These are some of my childhood #rock heroes, Deep Purple, Mk2. The lyrics to "Smoke on the Water" applied to an cover image of the single.
Their live album "Made in Japan" is still on rotation from time to time, love that energy...
#rock #music #deeppurple #helvetica #typography
Question for typographers: I want to restore this work of art I made in 1999. The top glass plate, which says "Appetijtelijk" is broken and I want to recreate it. I though I typed that text on a windows computer back then. But it looks more like Helvetica than Arial. So I guess I used a Mac instead. Or is it something else? And would the current version of that font on a modern computer still work?
#typography #font #letters #helvetica #arial
This movie played such a big role in my career and life in the Design and Marketing industry. Today, I get the discuss it with my Grade 9 students.
#typography #typeface #helvetica #design
#helvetica #graphicdesign #vegan #tshirt
#helvetica #graphicdesign #vegan #tshirt
RT @DesignReviewed
Nice bit of Helvetic’s on this Lufthansa timetable. I’ve got some more maps and timetables to share soon. #helvetica #typography #ephemera #grid #GraphicDesign
#GraphicDesign #grid #ephemera #typography #helvetica
I heard from a lot of #GraphicDesign teachers recently telling me that my #Helvetica vs Arial quiz was broken. Indeed, something broke when I moved servers and I didn’t bother fixing it as I didn’t realize how many people still used it. But it’s fixed now! #fonts
#graphicdesign #helvetica #fonts
¿El paraíso es real?: Suiza ‘sufre’ de pleno empleo.
La economía helvética tiene gran carencia de mano de obra, lo cual lastra el crecimiento: la solución pasa por mejores salarios y condiciones y por más inmigración.
#economia #helvetica #salarios #empleo #inmigracion
What's your go-to #font? I used to be on team #Helvetica, but transitioned to #LiberationSerif when I adopted first #OpenOffice and then #LibreOffice way back when. But now, thanks to the soup of aps I need to use to run a power point on the computers in my institution's lecture halls, my slides come out looking like ransom notes.
#libreoffice #openoffice #liberationserif #helvetica #font
Mir ist letztens im #Schwimmbad aufgefallen, dass die Startblöcke im Schwimmerbecken auf der zum Becken gewandten Seite die Nummern in #Futura eingraviert haben, aber auf der Seite aufgedruckt in #Helvetica.
Um das #Baujahr des Schwimmbads zu schätzen, müsste man wissen wann Futura modern war. Würde auf späte 1950er oder frühe 1960er tippen.
#Typografie #Schrift #fonts
#fonts #schrift #Typografie #Baujahr #helvetica #futura #schwimmbad
The font here is somehow worse than #Arial. Same slant stroke cuts, but the t's stroke is cut in the opposite orientation from Arial. So near to #Helvetica and yet so far in quality...