When I’m not writing, I’m swording. Today, I managed 2nd place in my club’s spring sabre tournament. Not too shabby for an old man.
FYI: I have a new sci-fi novel coming out soon.
#hema #sabre #saber #fencing #author #scifi #sciencefiction #Fantasy
#Fantasy #sciencefiction #SciFi #author #fencing #saber #sabre #hema
'Stuart Willis talks to philosopher swordsperson Damon Young about how they have applied the lessons they’ve learnt from historical European martial arts (HEMA) to screenwriting. It might sound a bit niche if you don’t write about people hitting each other – or in my case, aliens – with swords, but I promise you that it’s a fascinating listen.'
Thanks to @suw for the shout-out. https://chocolateandvodka.com/2023/06/06/word-count-51-alex-north-webinar-on-thursday-insights-from-sword-fighting-planning-your-writing-year/
#writing #writingCommunity #writingTips #writingAdvice #fencing #HEMA #screenwriting
#screenwriting #hema #fencing #writingadvice #writingtips #writingcommunity #writing
Some fencing I wanted to show. We had Ruggers, i.e. large Bauernwehrs, made for us by Ádám Bodorics. It was interesting fencing with the these, because unlike our "normal" Messers, these have no crossguard, just a Nagel, and they are also shorter.
It was fun seeing how it changed our fencing.
#HEMA #historicalfencing #fencing #Messer #historicaleuropeanmartialarts
#hema #historicalfencing #fencing #Messer #HistoricalEuropeanMartialArts
True Origins - Foil, Épée, Sabre
#Fencing #Swords #OlympicFencing #HEMA #History #MattEaston #ScholaGladiatoria #Foil #Épée #Sabre
#fencing #swords #olympicfencing #hema #history #matteaston #scholagladiatoria #foil #epee #sabre
Horecamedewerker weekend (4-12 uur) - HEMA - Hoogeveen
Bekijk hier de vacature: https://vacatures-hoogeveen.nl/vacature/horecamedewerker-weekend-4-12-uur-hoogeveen-hema-hoogeveen/
👀 Un exemple d'échange lors de ce week-end de combat au château de Fressin. Ici, nous avons un bâton contre une épée longue. Les combats sont amicaux, pas compétitifs, donc on s'amuse à varier les simulateurs 😀 ⚔️
👀 An example of an exchange during this weekend of combat at the château de Fressin. Here we have a stick versus a longsword. The fights are friendly, not competitive, so we have fun varying the simulators 😀 ⚔️
#historical #swordfight #sport #longsword #amhe #hema
Teamleider horeca (32 - 38 uur) – HEMA - Emmen
Bekijk hier de vacature: https://emmen.work/teamleider-horeca-emmen-hema-emmen/
Beim heutigen Training die neuen "The Hoof" ausprobiert, einfach nur gut, noch etwas Starr aber der Griff ist durch den gespaltenen Handschuh flexibler und auch fester.
Wollte mir eigentlich ganz andere holen, aber die Fechterin Brittany Saint Leafy https://www.youtube.com/@BrittanySaintLeafy hat wie ich eher kleine Hände, und hat in einem Video auf die Problematik bestimmter Handschuhe hingewiesen.
What Can History Teach Us About Fighting With Baseball Bats?
#baseballbat #hema #martialarts #fencing
I found enough time this weekend to finish editing my video from last month's ComnatCon cutting tournament finals. I already shared simpler footage of these events, but these videos include dual-camera perspective and slow-motion replay of the cuts.
Here's the advanced cutting tournament I competed in:
And here's the open cutting tournament:
#swords #cutting #hema #Video #tournament
Nog even pleiten dat de jasmijnthee van #Hema de allerlekkerste jasmijnthee is ever.
Smelly Fencers hour.
had a play night with FederWyrm
to get ready for the open training day at his club in a couple of weeks ⚔️#hema
Kam gestern hier an, heute Morgen etwas geübt.
Geschichtlich auch spannend, da das Manuskript dazu um 1300 datiert wird und damit auch beweist das Schwertkämpfe nicht nur stumpfes herumgefuchtelt war, also sich schon sehr viel früher entwickelt hatte.
Die Fotos aus dem Buch, sind jetzt besonders, aber nachvollziehbarer als die Historischen Zeichnungen.
Für Anfänger kann ich das Buch aber nicht empfehlen, da die Beschreibungen sehr knapp sind #hema
De corona-tijd was voor mij het einde van de Hema. Na jarenlang mn weg er niet kunnen vinden raakte het samen met 'het winkelcentrum' in de vergetelheid.
Zou het Saskia Egas Reparaz lukken om mij voor het 100-jarige bestaan de winkel in te krijgen? 😇
Saskia Egas Reparaz wist het kwakkelende Hema te reanimeren: ‘We misten een ziel’ - @volkskrant
Winkelmedewerker (24-38 uur) – HEMA – Zwolle
Bekijk hier de vacature: https://zwolle.work/vacature/winkelmedewerker-24-38-uur-hema-zwolle/
A #Hema é uma cadeia holandesa de cenas tipo.. coisas de cozinha, roupa interior, material de escritório, bolachas e café, e também imprimem fotos. Oferecem-me um pacote de bolachas mas tenho que o pedir à funcionária. "Olhe é o meu aniversário, avie-me aí as bolachinhas sff 🙏". Passo. 2/10
Spřádáte plány na příští týden a nevíte, co o víkendu? Budete-li v Bratislavě, přijďte se podívat na 5. ročník turnaje Bratislava Fecht!
Jde o HEMA turnaj v šermu dlouhým mečem, a to v kategoriích open, ženy a advanced. Advanced je určená pokročilým šermířům a má trochu jiná pravidla oproti těm běžně používaným česko-slovenském prostoru.
Zejména v kategorii advanced uvidíte spoustu výborných šermířů... a mě.
FB událost turnaje: https://www.facebook.com/events/1457034865141920
#hema #bratislava #sport #serm
#furry #fursuit #fursuitfriday #hema
i mean this took practice.. ive been doing HEMA for quite the while now and its only when you try swinging a sword in fursuit do you then realise 'hey i might not be too bad at this'
#furry #fursuit #fursuitfriday #hema