· @JonasE
87 followers · 503 posts · Server ioc.exchange

In my young days I spent some time picking/sorting bad potatoes behind a tractor. Today I can see that Antonia Ax:son Johnson has managed to hike up the prices in the shops with some 30% for potatoes and chips. I can't even imagine her standing behind a tractor and sort potatoes. And I most certainly can't imagine her paying the farmers more for the potatoes that she sells in etc. Definitely not the extra 30% that she charges consumers....

She hiked up the prices these 30% in the last couple of months.

Google her if you like to find out how she lives. Compare it with any average farmer. And then guess who is making the biggest profit.


Last updated 1 year ago

Svensson · @Anders_S
69 followers · 363 posts · Server mastodon.nu

Den svenska livsmedelshandeln och matjättarna
Den svenska livsmedelshandeln eller som den också kallas dagligvaruhandeln domineras av tre företag. Ett av dem är klart mycket större än de andra. ICA som är en kedja av oberoen

#willys #tempo #picard #naradej #matoppet #matrebellerna #livsmedelshandel #livsmedel #ica #hemkop #handlar #dagligvaruhandel #coop #citygross #bergendahls #axfood #mat #ekonomi

Last updated 2 years ago