Now we move into the debate of whether health insurance companies will pony up for patients to take the most expensive drug in the world. #Hemophilia #HemophiliaB #GeneTherapy
#genetherapy #hemophiliab #hemophilia
Now we move into the debate of whether health insurance companies will pony up for patients to take the most expensive drug in the world. #Hemophilia #HemophiliaB #GeneTherapy
#genetherapy #hemophiliab #hemophilia
#FDA Approves Most Expensive #Drug Ever, a $3.5 Million-per-Dose Gene Therapy For blood-clotting disorder Hemophilia B
#Hemgenix is an IV treatment for adults with #hemophiliaB, which primarily affects men.
#Drugmaker CSL Behring announced the price saying its drug would ultimately reduce health care costs because #patients would have fewer bleeding incidents and need fewer clotting #treatments.
#illness #HealthCare #Healh #Pharma #CorporateHealthCare
#fda #drug #hemgenix #hemophiliab #drugmaker #patients #treatments #illness #healthcare #healh #pharma #corporatehealthcare
The good news is, the FDA has approved #Hemgenix, an apparently effective treatment for #hemophiliaB - which is characterized by a lack of the clotting factor IX
The not-so-good news is that manufacturer #CSLBehring, after approval, has priced the treatment - a #genetherapy - at $3.5 million a dose, making it the most expensive drug in the world
via @guardian
#hemgenix #hemophiliab #cslbehring #genetherapy