Fragranced consumer products and undisclosed ingredients - ScienceDirect -
Endocrine Disrupters in Air - Science Direct -
#tilted #endocrinedisruptors
#tilt #syntheticchemicalfragrances
#hempcontamination #syntheticfragrancegenderbender
#mucormycosis #theantifungalbiotoxindetoxprotocol
#tilted #Endocrinedisruptors #tilt #syntheticchemicalfragrances #hempcontamination #syntheticfragrancegenderbender #mucormycosis #theantifungalbiotoxindetoxprotocol
Fragranced consumer products: exposures and effects from emissions - PMC -
Chemical terrorism - Wikipedia -
#tilted #hempcontamination
#tilted #hempcontamination #syntheticfragrancegenderbender
Health Quest Podcast Dr. Cass Ingram The Wilderness Doc. - Hemp -
#drcassingram #hempcontamination #cannabinoids
(For Educational & Informative Purposes Only. Not Medical Advice Please Consult A Qualified Health Care Provider.)
#drcassingram #hempcontamination #Cannabinoids
Induction and Inhibition of Aromatase (CYP19) Activity by Natural and Synthetic Flavonoid Compounds in H295R Human Adrenocortical Carcinoma Cells | Toxicological Sciences | Oxford Academic -
#tilt #mucormycosis #theantifungalbiotoxindetoxprotocol #hempcontamination #endocrinedisruptors
#tilt #mucormycosis #theantifungalbiotoxindetoxprotocol #hempcontamination #Endocrinedisruptors
(For Educational & Informative Purposes Only. Not Medical Advice, Please Consult A Qualified Health Care Provider.) #hempcontamination
Endocrine Disruptors & Mold Illness #3 -
Neurotoxins in the environment are damaging human brain health, and fires and floods may make the problem worse -
Technical and clinical aspects of cortisol as a biochemical marker of chronic stress - PMC -
Neurotoxicity of fragrance compounds: A review - PubMed -
Effects and mechanisms of phthalates’ action on neurological processes and neural health: a literature review | SpringerLink -
The “Entourage Effect”: Terpenes Coupled with Cannabinoids for the Treatment of Mood Disorders and Anxiety Disorders - PMC -
#mucormycosis #tilt #moldillness #endocrinedisruptors
#theantifungalbiotoxindetoxprotocol #hempcontamination #mucormycosis #tilt #moldillness #Endocrinedisruptors
Mycotoxins - IntechOpen Science Article -
How Hormones are Affected by Molds and Mycotoxins - Dr. Andrew Campbell -
#hempcontamination #tilt #cirs
#hempcontamination #tilt #CIRS
@hippiegirl692002 - There are many great hemp companies with a wide range of products, since i got CIRS, TILT & other health issues in Twenty Nineteen there has been only one place i have found that has hemp products that are not contaminated thats not to say there are other products that are not contaminated. #hempproducts
#hempproducts #hempcontamination
By the way i would like to add this study they do not disclose how many times the scientists cross contaminated the test animals, materials, test hemp samples with synthetic chemical fragrances , foodborne/waterborne mycotoxins, fluoride or synthetic/endocrine disrupting chemical contaminate , etc. . They also did not disclose the plant care/harvest methods used that could contaminate the plants with synthetic chemical fragrances from growers clothing or hair or person , they did not disclose the drying/curing methods that can easily contaminate the hemp with Mvoc, active fungal strains & biotoxin, that up regulates aromatase that rapidly converts the testosterone that is up regulated by the hemp & provides a favorable substrate medium by the introduction of phthalates with synthetic chemical fragrance contamination.
The hemp contamination potential dose not end in the external environment, it can even happen in the bloodstream where chemical reactions can happen. My view on the issue with my experience having CIRS & Toxicant Induced Loss Of Tolerance & research through the past 4 years, theres not a majority of people who must avoid synthetic chemical fragrances, phalates, other synthetic chemicals & mold mycotoxins due to toxicant induced loss of tolerance & CIRS. From what i understand the synthetic chemical fragrances & mycotoxins convert the naturally occurring testosterone in the body to estrogen through aromatase, not only are the synthetic fragrances estrogen mimickers that also increases cortisol significantly inmy experience. I have discovered through my experience with CIRS & TILT that the cannabinoids are highly effected by the mycotoxin & synthetic chemical fragrances