Dezeen : Eight projects with integrated cooling techniques that beat the heat #Landscapeandurbanism #Publicandleisure #Architecture #Education #Materials #Hempcrete #Pavilions #Cultural #Interior #all
#landscapeandurbanism #publicandleisure #architecture #education #materials #hempcrete #pavilions #cultural #interior #all
Dezeen : Timber and hempcrete form patchwork facade of London mews house #Britishhouses #Architecture #CathieCurran #Residential #Mewshouses #Hempcrete #England #London #Houses #all #UK
#britishhouses #architecture #cathiecurran #residential #mewshouses #hempcrete #england #london #houses #all #uk
Lieber @ralphruthe fragt doch mal den der kann eine Menge zu nachhaltiger #Landwirtschaft und ökologischem #Bauwesen auf #veganer 😃 #Basis erzählen. Außerdem lecker #Lebensmittel und der Duft, der #Duft. #Terpene sind was wunderbares! :mastolove: Schaut bitte selbst nach. Liebsten Dank! 👍
#weedmob #hanf #umwelt #mitwelt #nachaltig #hemp #Nutzhanf #Hanfsamen #Hanfnüsse #Hempcrete #Hanfkalk
#hanfkalk #hempcrete #hanfnusse #Hanfsamen #nutzhanf #hemp #nachaltig #Mitwelt #umwelt #hanf #WeedMob #terpene #duft #lebensmittel #Basis #veganer #bauwesen #landwirtschaft
The world's tallest Hempcrete building is soon to open in Cape Town. The 12 storey building's hempcrete blocks are carbon negative. The blocks are 20% more expensive, but that cost will reduce if they become more popular.
#GoodNews #Hemp #Hempcrete #Building #Carbon
#goodnews #hemp #hempcrete #building #carbon
Global News BC: UBC students build near-zero carbon hempcrete building on Vancouver campus #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #UniversityOfBritishColumbia #UBCstudentproject #Nearzerocarbon #Environment #UBCbuilding #UBCstudents #UBCproject #Education #hempcrete #UBCcampus #UBC
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #UniversityofBritishColumbia #ubcstudentproject #nearzerocarbon #environment #ubcbuilding #ubcstudents #ubcproject #education #hempcrete #ubccampus #ubc
#Hemp is such a useful plant, from rope, fabric, paper to #hempcrete and hempwood.
But the #german government makes it so difficult to grow it.
Not only do you need to be a licensed company with a minimum land requirement in in order to get a permit, you also have to buy special seeds to fulfill the unreasonably low THC content rule.
You have to kill all plants left over from last year as their THC content might have increased past the minuscule maximum and buy new seeds.
Thick walls makes it super quiet inside the house. I can’t hear vehicles driving up, and sound carries a long way out here. Didn’t know the propane truck came until I saw the emailed invoice. #hempcrete
Dr. Wilhelm Schaekel
#Hanfbauer in Brandenburg und Mecklenburg
#Cannabis #Hemp #Hanf #sungrown #CSC #HighGround #Hanfbaustoffe #Hanfkalk #Hempcrete #BetondeChanvre #Hanfdämmung
Ich liebe diesen schlauen [und] Menschen liebenden
#Freunde und #Freundinnen im
#Weedmob :mastolove: :mastolove: ∞ #onelove
#onelove #WeedMob #freundinnen #freunde #hanfdammung #betondechanvre #hempcrete #hanfkalk #hanfbaustoffe #highground #csc #sungrown #hanf #hemp #cannabis #hanfbauer
@bsmall2 @Iragersh agree on keeping tires out of incinerators. I think the locals (particularly the ones who have generational history with that place) will give you the most guidance on building materials. I am frustrated with what to do with tires; i've seen them used in some tasteful and creative ways but my concern is the chemical leaching. #hempcrete is another material that has some great potential in the humidity.
curious: what kind of wood would you use? I have been researching/learning about rot resistant wood properties for a future build. Cedar seems to be my best option.
Dezeen : Nine buildings constructed using hemp that show the biomaterial's potential #Architecture #Hempcrete #Roundups #Hemp #all
#architecture #hempcrete #roundups #hemp #all
The back is done! I'm translating a French pattern as best I can - first time, so plenty of scope for error 🤣 I've cast on for the front ready for when I next get a chance to sit down with it, but it's definitely time to stop now & get some sleep. Christmas quiz tomorrow 🥳 & hopefully another game of Pandemic🤞Also time to order up some hemp and lime binder ready to insulate the loft walls. #life #knitting #solitude #quiz #boardgames #hempcrete #hemplime #naturalbuilding #clayplaster #insulation
#Life #knitting #solitude #quiz #boardgames #hempcrete #hemplime #naturalbuilding #clayplaster #insulation
Bricks out, hemp lime in. #hempcrete #hanfkalk #fachwerk #bauwende #deeprenovation #deepretrofit
#hempcrete #hanfkalk #fachwerk #bauwende #deeprenovation #DeepRetrofit
Möchtet Ihr Klimaneutral bauen oder sucht Ihr Informationen zum Thema #Hanfbau?
#Hanfkalk #Wand #Modell #Hanfbeton #Rezept #Hempcrete #Cannabis #Kalk #Hanfsteine #Dämmung #Schäben #co2negativ #diy #scheunen #naturbaustoffe #co2 #klima #isolation #tinyhouse #Hausbau
#hanfbau #hanfkalk #wand #modell #hanfbeton #rezept #hempcrete #cannabis #kalk #hanfsteine #dammung #Schaben #CO2negativ #diy #scheunen #naturbaustoffe #co2 #klima #isolation #tinyhouse #hausbau
Sprayed #hempcrete #hanfkalk #biomass #bauwende #nawaro #hanf #hemp #hennep #chanvre #construction #architecture with visible frame
ereasy hempcrete 🔥
#hempcrete #hanfkalk #biomass #bauwende #nawaro #hanf #hemp #hennep #chanvre #construction #architecture
Hemp Cannabis, 'the world's most beneficial plant' - food, oil, medicine, textiles, paper and also #hempcrete - strong, light, long-lasting, biodegradable, renewable, sequesters carbon and potentially cost-cheaper than concrete, without the negative enviro impacts #hemp
Reasons to be cheerful - 1, 2, 3 #Hempcrete #Sustainably #Building #BuildBetter #ClimateEmegency
#buildbetter #ClimateEmegency #building #sustainably #hempcrete
About time for my #introduction post, so here goes:
My name is Nick, in Naarm/Melbourne, I’m a #carpenter who came to the trades late in life - partly to build resilience for the inevitable climate chaos we’re hurtling towards, and partly to try to make a tangible difference in a sector that is horribly lagging behind in its climate responsibilities (at least in this country). I’m working to build the skills to be able to become a builder of affordable, sustainable, energy efficient, low carbon, climate resilient homes - have a passion for #Passivhaus and #PassiveSolar building, as well as #Hempcrete and #NaturalBuilding
I’m conscious of the privilege I’ve had in my birth lottery, so I’m trying to be a good ally towards LGBTQ+ and indigenous people #fuckTerfs #PayTheRent
I came here as a #TwitterRefugee but actually much prefer the non commercial and decentralised nature of the platform, and I really hope it takes off. I would love to be able to delete twitter entirely. I’m all about data privacy, #interoperability, and absolutely #FuckAdvertising as a basis for the internet.
Politically I’m a leftist but still figuring out my labels. Have my doubts about electoralism but still hopeful we can improve our society without revolution, even if I think that’s getting more and more likely with climate change induced chaos.
I’m a parent of 2 little legends and every decision I make is filtered through the lens of how that will influence the world they grow up in. Also have two amazing doggos ❤️
Anyway, nice to meet you all and can’t wait to see what mastodon can grow to become!
#Introduction #carpenter #Passivhaus #passivesolar #hempcrete #naturalbuilding #fuckterfs #PayTheRent #twitterrefugee #interoperability #FuckAdvertising
Anyone with knowledge of #hempcrete being used for #housing construction? I just came across information about it being used by the Lower #Sioux Indian Community.
Guess I should do an #introduction again, hopefully connect with a few new folks interested in the same stuff. Hi New Folks! Welcome!
Work: #startups #cloud #infra #observability #techWriting
Fun: #handspinning #weaving #knitting #fiber #textiles #sewing
Online home: #AppDotNet #ADN #WriteTheDocs #selfHost #MacOS #Ubuntu
IRL home: #SFMission #SanFrancisco #NorCal #Loveland #NoCo #Colorado #hempcrete #sustainability
#introduction #startups #cloud #infra #observability #techwriting #handspinning #weaving #knitting #fiber #textiles #sewing #appdotnet #adn #writethedocs #selfhost #macos #ubuntu #SFMission #sanfrancisco #NorCal #Loveland #NoCo #colorado #hempcrete #sustainability