Global health organizations & governments have long focused on RESPONDING TO DISEASE OUTBREAKS rather than PREDICTING & PREVENTING them

inspirational & fascinating story about

#womeninscience #viruses #spillover #zoonotic #veterinary #health #horses #hendra #bats

Last updated 1 year ago

Sarah Newey · @snewey
94 followers · 16 posts · Server

Loved learning more about this incredibly detailed research: Scientists studying found flying foxes found that they shed much more virus when they were starving – their search for food pushed them closer to humans and livestock

This combination set the stage for a surge in spillover events, where pathogens jump to other animals or humans. And it allows experts to predict when will happen:

#hendra #spillovers #OneHealth #bats #australia

Last updated 2 years ago

Zulma Cucunubá · @ZulmaCucunuba
205 followers · 27 posts · Server

¿Se podrían prevenir los plantando árboles?

Este estudio encuentra que la escasez de alimentos en la población de murciélagos impulsada por el clima precedió a los brotes del virus .

Este estudio sugiere que una forma efectiva de prevenir la próxima pandemia es proteger y restaurar los hábitats de la vida silvestre.

#spillover #hendra

Last updated 2 years ago