Hengaw: 2023 bereits über hundert #Hinrichtungen in Iran
"Seit Anfang des Jahres sind in Iran nach Informationen der Menschenrechtsgruppe #Hengaw mehr als hundert Menschen hingerichtet worden. Etwa die Hälfte der Hingerichteten gehörte der kurdischen und belutschischen Minderheit an."
#WomanLifeFreedom #JinJyanAzadi #Iran #IranRevoIution #antireport
#Hinrichtungen #hengaw #WomanLifeFreedom #JinJyanAzadi #iran #IranRevoIution #antireport
Five of the dead man’s family were injured in the shooting. #Hengaw says more than 340 people have been killed since the unrest began in September over the death in custody of #MahsaAmini #Iran
In #Iran news:
Human rights activsts say the Iranian security forces have been secretly #burying #protesters who've been killed in #clashes - to avoid violence at funeral ceremonies. The #Hengaw rights group - based in Norway - said the latest case happened on Friday night in #Bukan, in northwest Iran. #RevolutionaryGuards opened fire on a family mourning the death of a protestor, before seizing the man’s body from hospital and burying it in secret.
#Iran #burying #protesters #clashes #hengaw #bukan #revolutionaryguards