@malwaretech Wow. Just…wow. You have all of the playbook buzzwords in there. #playbook #buzzwords #hennypenny #socialism
#playbook #buzzwords #hennypenny #socialism
Everything's the worst thing since 9/11. #hennypenny #boywhocriedwolf
>Schumer: McCarthy giving Jan. 6 footage to Tucker Carlson 'worst security risk since 9/11'
Everything's the worst thing since 9/11. #hennypenny #boywhocriedwolf
>Schumer: McCarthy giving Jan. 6 footage to Tucker Carlson 'worst security risk since 9/11'
@novid @jik
I’m sorry, but this is sociopathic behavior
It’s like directly sneezing into someone’s face on purpose
(yes, it’s happened to me; still shocking yrs later & I remember it b/c it was so traumatizing)
It’s really a vile way of thinking
Even if you believe in your heart it’s a minor cold, it’s rude to belittle other’s concerns #gaslighting
I’ve had this BS twice & definitely am not encouraging people to get it. In fact, quite the opposite #HennyPenny