As per the #MeidasTouchNetwork
#Virginia #GOP Central Committee Representative #RonHedlund displayed a massive penis sign with the words, " #Biden Sucks " written across it at a youth #baseball game at RF&P Park in #HenricoCounty, Virginia. In a video captured at the event, Hedlund defended his sign after a community member said it was inappropriate because there were children present.
#meidastouchnetwork #virginia #gop #ronhedlund #biden #baseball #henricocounty #mtn #republicansaretheproblem #voteblue
Video: #MentalHealth Patient Smothered to #Death
Irvo Otieno was held down by a group of #HenricoCounty deputies for over 10 minutes.
#mentalhealth #death #henricocounty
Seven Henrico County, Virginia, Sheriff’s deputies are being charged with second-degree murder after smothering a black man to death while he was shackled in handcuffs and leg irons.
#BLM #police #IrvoOtieno #Virginia #HenricoCounty
#blm #Police #irvootieno #virginia #henricocounty
If you live in #HenricoCounty and need to find the member of the Board of Supervisors that represents you
A thousand homes worth of low-density sprawl proposed in #HenricoCounty #Virginia. No nearby way to take care of daily needs, no transit links - what a god-awful idea. Final planning decision is scheduled for next Tuesday, 1/24 - if you live in Henrico, the time to speak up is now