Lawrence Lacks Sr., whose mother’s cells were taken without consent, dies at #Baltimore VA Medical Center at 88 #rip #deaths #whodied #maryland #dmv #history #medicalracism #henriettalacks
#baltimore #rip #deaths #whodied #maryland #dmv #history #medicalracism #henriettalacks
De cellen van Henrietta Lacks leverden drie Nobelprijzen op, maar zelf wist ze van niets
Ik ben haar, en alle anderen die cellen ter beschikking hebben gesteld, zeer dankbaar! Mooi dat er eindelijk een schikking is met de familie. Een eerbetoon is ook op zijn plaats, bij deze!
What Does the Historic Settlement Won by Henrietta Lacks’s Family Mean for Others?
'In the Lacks case, the family’s lawyers argued that doctors’ failure to ask her permission to use her cancer cells reflected deep-seated racism then pervasive in human research. “The racial inequity which was so eloquently argued in the complaint … really I think carried the day,” Andrews says.'
#research #ethics #henriettalacks #hela #cancer
As lawyers for #HenriettaLacks’ family plan to sue other companies, legal scholars debate the potential for success #law #MedicalRacism #MedicalTheft #maryland #WhiteSupremacy #capitalism #SystemicRacism #HeLa #Immortal #BlackLivesMatter #BlackCellsMatter #BlackMastodon #BlackFedi
#henriettalacks #law #medicalracism #medicaltheft #maryland #whitesupremacy #capitalism #systemicracism #hela #immortal #blacklivesmatter #blackcellsmatter #blackmastodon #blackfedi
#HenriettaLacks’ story shouldn't be a zero sum game where I win and she loses, where I live and she doesn't. That's why the undisclosed sum Thermo Fisher Scientific recently paid the Lacks family is a step toward repairing the wrongs of medical racism and sexism that continue to plague healthcare still today.
#henriettalacks #Cervicalcancer #cancer #fuckcancer #womenshealth
Thank you, #HenriettaLacks.
Because of your contribution to science, doctors were able to diagnose high grade pre-cancerous cells in my cervix.
When I have surgery this month, my saving grace will be a result of your sacrifice. Your #CervicalCancer tumor was sampled and replicated - without your consent and without compensation - so that today I and others may live.
#henriettalacks #Cervicalcancer #cancer #fuckcancer #genetics #womenshealth
@TonyStark thank you for the free link!
I have family that works in biotech so this case is one I've been following.
#HenriettaLacks can rest in peace, finally. ⚖️👩⚖️
I'm so glad to hear the family of #henriettalacks is finally getting the monetary compensation they deserve. Not only were her cells taken from her, but without them we would never have had the modern medicine we love and rely on in our daily lives.
Henrietta Lacks' family reaches settlement over use of her 'stolen' cells
Happy 103rd birthday, #HenriettaLacks. May you and your family know peace.
Off it’s good enough for them, then it’s good! 👍🏼
#HenriettaLacks' family announces settlement of #ThermoFisher #lawsuit
#invasion #testing #medical #black #cells #hela #lawsuit #ThermoFisher #henriettalacks
Anyone who says Johns Hopkins didn't profit from the #henriettalacks cells it harvested and then sold to pharmaceutical companies is lying--knowingly or no. There's a symbiosis between universities like John Hopkins and pharma: universities do the research, big pharma cells the drugs developed from that research--and pharma donates to the universities to supplement endowments and tax money.
Fascinating developments for the family of #HenriettaLacks: "Around the time of her death, Hopkins researchers discovered the cells they had secretly sampled from their patient’s cervix were capable of regenerating outside the body, and they shared Lacks’ miraculous cells with other scientists for free. They’re now widely used around the world."
Fascinating devevlopmenets for the family of #HenriettaLacks: "Around the time of her death, Hopkins researchers discovered the cells they had secretly sampled from their patient’s cervix were capable of regenerating outside the body, and they shared Lacks’ miraculous cells with other scientists for free. They’re now widely used around the world."
Gizmodo: Henrietta Lacks Family Reaches Settlement With Biotech Company Over Her 'Immortal' Cells #thermofisherscientific #johnshopkinshospital #immortalisedcellline #healthmedicalpharma #cellularsenescence #wellcomebookprize #henriettalacks #rebeccaskloot #georgeottogey #oprahwinfrey #cellbiology #bioethics #hela
#thermofisherscientific #johnshopkinshospital #immortalisedcellline #healthmedicalpharma #cellularsenescence #wellcomebookprize #henriettalacks #rebeccaskloot #georgeottogey #oprahwinfrey #cellbiology #bioethics #hela
“At last…” Henrietta Lacks’s descendants get her (involuntary) contributions recognized in monetary fashion by Thermo Fisher Scientific. B/c it’s still profiting from her cervical cancer cells, 72 yrs after Johns Hopkins harvested them from cancer-stricken patient who later died.
#henriettalacks #hela #thermofisherscientific
Family of #HenriettaLacks FINALLY compensated, 7 decades later, for having her cells stolen to save mostly white lives (scientists that robbed Lacks never thought to help or inform her Black relatives) via one of the cruelest, most intimately dehumanizing forms of #whitesupremacist theft: #medicalracism. The US is HIDEOUS. #PlantationNation #Exploitation
#henriettalacks #whitesupremacist #medicalracism #plantationnation #exploitation
Henrietta Lacks cells were taken without her knowledge. Subsequently, they made a ground-breaking discovery with them, but her family didn't learn about any of it until decades later.
The Agenda spoke to her great- granddaughter, Victoria Baptiste in 2021.
Family of #HenriettaLacks settles HeLa cell lawsuit with biotech giant, lawyer says #maryland #baltimoresun #dmv #racism #blackmastodon #blackfedi #justice #science
#henriettalacks #maryland #baltimoresun #dmv #racism #blackmastodon #blackfedi #justice #science