Thought I was done with novels about music & obsessive love for the moment after recently reading the wonderful, but emotionally draining MAURICE GUEST (1908) by #HenryHandelRichardson.
Er... apparently not. I glanced at the first page of AN EQUAL MUSIC (1999) by #VikramSeth this afternoon & now suddenly I'm on page 80. It was my turn to cook tonight, but I can't put the book down. My partner's annoyed he has to cook, but I promised to do the dishes.
#henryhandelrichardson #vikramseth #amreading #Books #literature #bookstodon
#FinishedReading MAURICE GUEST & it's left me an emotional wreck. A story of music & doomed, obsessive love. The final part of the novel was like watching a car accident in slow motion. Difficult to read, but couldn't stop myself from turning the pages.
I'm normally a chain reader, but I'll need the rest of the day to pull myself together before starting a new novel.
Contemplating reading the work of an Australian writer? Put #HenryHandelRichardson at the top of your list.
#finishedreading #henryhandelrichardson #Books #auslit
#AmReading MAURICE GUEST by #HenryHandelRichardson, aka Ethel Florence Lindesay Richardson, born in Melbourne in 1870.
Started it this morning, but only read the first page. Loved the unfamiliar use of "tell off" & the alliteration in this bit: "and on descending the shallow steps, they told off into groups, where all talked at once, with lively gesticulation."
Just finished Ch 1 & would keep reading, but I've had a few beers & about to nod off. Excerpt from the end of the chapter follows:
#amreading #henryhandelrichardson
@BennReading Love this idea of posting #Page1 of a new book you've started reading :)
I should be at my computer translating, but what the heck - I'm staying in bed & #AmReading my new book instead. MAURICE GUEST by #HenryHandelRichardson aka Ethel Florence Lindesay Richardson, born in Melbourne in 1870.
Love the unfamiliar use of "tell off" & the alliteration in this bit:
"and on descending the shallow steps, they told off into groups, where all talked at once, with lively gesticulation."
#page1 #amreading #henryhandelrichardson