> You show beyond a doubt that people are reading more now than ever before in all history. . . .
> Very well, exactly. That is just the trouble... did it ever occur to you that you had within you the power to occupy your mind, and do it more profitably than all those assiduous readers? Briefly, did it ever occur to you to think?
I found #HenryHazlitt's #ThinkingAsAScience after seeing reference in #GrahamWallas's #FourStagesOfThought part of the book, The #ArtOfThought
#ArtOfThought #FourStagesOfThought #GrahamWallas #ThinkingAsAScience #henryhazlitt
Only if the modern #state can be held within a strictly limited agenda can it be prevented from regimenting, conquering, and ultimately devouring the society which gave it birth
What is unnecessary and evil, what abridges the #liberty and therefore the true welfare of the individual, is the State that has usurped excessive powers and grown beyond its legitimate function
The 'private sector' of the #economy is, in fact, the voluntary sector; the 'public sector' is, in fact, the coercive sector
#Government can't give anything without depriving us of something else
#Liberty is the essential basis, the sine qua non, of morality. Morality can only exist in a free society, it can exist to the extent freedom exists
Today is already the tomorrow which the bad economist yesterday urged us to ignore