Turns out when its told to play another song it puts that at the beginning as item 1 and the previous song is item 2. If I can hook up to the play command, calling remove_from_queue with an id of 2 will remove it (or fail if it was empty, without consequence).
Now to see if the official #HEOS integration lets me send arbitrary commands or if I am going to need to fork that as well to add queue management capabilities. Bring it on! 😤
#heos #homeassistant #denon #youtubemusic #diy
BAHAHAHAH. It works! It workssssss! Managed to open a HTTP proxy in the integration and route requests through that instead of the original URL! 🥳
Found an interesting side effect with #heos. Sending the "play_stream" command adds it to the current queue on device. That's fine for the first song, but on the second song it'll go back to the first item in the queue 10 seconds before the song ends, leading to repeats.
#heos #homeassistant #denon #youtubemusic #diy
Wir coolen Sachsen können das auch! #ladeparty #stammtisch #heos #chemnnitz #stadtdermoderne #woistderglühwein
#ladeparty #stammtisch #heos #Chemnnitz #StadtDerModerne #woistdergluhwein