RT Eurosurveillance
Re @ECDC_EU @eHealth_EU @EU_Health @emcdda @Hep_Alliance Research from 🇬🇪
a 📈 in #Hepatitis C #prevalence 2015-2021 indicates that the elimination programme has effectively tackled the country's #hepC #epidemic
Walker et al. validate & update projections of #HCV prevalence & incidence
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/Eurosurveillanc/status/1684843887280754688
#hepatitis #prevalence #hepC #epidemic #HCV #HepatitisDay23
Want to know more about #hepatitis?
Take a look at the gif, presenting the key facts about the five types of #viralhepatitis!
RT @ECDC_EU: It's #WorldHepatitisDay today, so let's give the topic a closer look!
What should every one of us know about #hepA #hepB #hepC #hepD and #hepE?
Take a look at the "ABC of the #ViralHepatitis" and find out the key facts about each of the #hepatitis type!
#hepatitis #ViralHepatitis #WorldHepatitisDay #hepA #hepB #hepC #hepD #hepE
It's #WorldHepatitisDay today, so let's give the topic a closer look!
What should every one of us know about #hepA #hepB #hepC #hepD and #hepE?
Take a look at the "ABC of the #ViralHepatitis" and find out the key facts about each of the #hepatitis type!
#WorldHepatitisDay #hepA #hepB #hepC #hepD #hepE #ViralHepatitis #hepatitis
Find out more about the #hepB and #hepC in our latest annual reports here:
#HepatitisB - https://bit.ly/ECDCHepB2020
#HepatitisC - https://bit.ly/ECDCHepC2020
#hepB #hepC #HepatitisB #hepatitisC #WorldHepatitisDay