I want fewer app feature #PKM videos and more “I made this wonderful thing people care about using a PKM-based workflow and here's how I did it, step by step" videos.
#pkm #obsidian #ObsidianMD #logseq #tana #heptabase
Wow #Heptabase now charges a lot of money. 108 dollars a year is an asking price.
Apparently it keeps them income-positive which is good for a VC-funded system but even if I wanted to poke around, investigating how good they are seems like an expensive hobby… and replacing Obsidian for me in terms of knowledge development would take a lot of features.
Still fiddling with #Heptabase, which went 1.0 today. It’s expensive, VC-funded, with your content in the cloud — in other words, it’s sort of the anti-#Obsidian.
What I do like so far? This little video. There is no yammering narration. Instead, it’s just a screen capture of a Heptabase user slowly and patiently working atomizing and arranging his or her notes from a book.
I’d love to see more videos like these for more of our #PKM tools: just looking over the shoulder of a user.
Decided to support #Heptabase today, which launches its public 1.0 tomorrow. It’s expensive (about $72 / year with early bird pricing). It’s VC-funded. It’s cloud-based. Yeah, all of those are big red flags.
That said: it’s block-based and allows for spatial organization of ideas, so worth playing with. My first “Oh!” moment came when I found the single-click way to view tagged items as Kanban boards or tables. Some task management ideas for that right away.
Now, SiYuan‘s backlinks UI lets you „step up“ the hierarchy, but now you have to "fold out" views in a way that doesn‘t have a list-wide shortcut or button to get an overview. That‘s a high friction killer.
Shame. I had seen SiYuan a bit further ahead - and I mean, in terms of database game they‘ll be up there with #RemNote and #Heptabase, now, and have a lowkey parity with #Tana. That‘s not nothing.
But it feels like a little less than they should have because of one bad UI choice.
如果把 Heptabase 視作取得一張進入硬核數位筆記社群的 NFT 門票,毫無違和感,比許多 NFT(項目)還要 NFT。
收藏本文的 Writing NFT 版本
閱讀筆耕|Heptabase 新手微心得:比 NFT 還要 NFT!
For those of you following #PKM, #2ndBrain and other #note taking #tools, #Heptabase just updated their landing page. (https://heptabase.com/)
The founder, Alan Chan, has published another Medium article on the current state and the future of development here: https://medium.com/heptabase/my-vision-the-roadmap-d2fbf92fdf97
"Heptabase empowers you to visually make sense of your learning, research, and projects."
#pkm #2ndbrain #note #tools #heptabase
@anders @pkm
Also, since I see you are looking for the next PKM, I highly recommend #Heptabase.
I'll just point you to them, as it's better explained with visuals on their website.
Over 7k members on their Discord server.
Public beta, frequent iterations, Y-combinator funded, and a small dev team who are very active in Discord. (did I mention they are developing a Readwise import?)
Public roadmap: https://heptaplatforms.notion.site/Heptabase-Public-Roadmap-3f4fa6e915b1419487514a268e0a26c5
Discord invite: https://discord.gg/wpJdPymH
@ellane Thank you so much for the insights. I am similar
#logseq with the power of outlining and the importance of keeping notes and tasks in sync so that you have the complete picture of what you are trying to achieve.
#tana with the supertags and live query and how to structure data to leverage these
#obsidian the importance of local only and the beauty of being able to have some structure in another wise chaotic place
#heptabase - key to taking a step back and seeing your notes visually
#logseq #tana #obsidian #heptabase