barefootstache · @barefootstache
114 followers · 1046 posts · Server


When practicing a mortar and pestle are intrinsically not needed, though they ease up certain conditions. For example if one wants to get into the capsule making business.

The drying of herbs takes time and are used mainly in three areas: infusions like herbal teas, tinctures like oils, or internally like with capsules.

Thus if one wants to make capsules, one should have a capsule machine with its accordingly capsule shells and the size is usually 00, a mortar and pestle, and the ingredients.

#DailyBloggingChallenge #wildcrafting #herbalism #tea

Last updated 1 year ago

nastusia · @nastusia
242 followers · 1419 posts · Server

The scale of wrong identification on the polish plant id fb group is terrifying. I am really worried about these people, because most often they are interested in a given plant in the medicinal/consumption context.

Geez, don't tell so confidently to others that this plant is X and you should eat it, when you are not 100% sure that it is X. Please.

#plants #foraging #herbalism #identification

Last updated 1 year ago

barefootstache · @barefootstache
114 followers · 1041 posts · Server


Goldenrod (Q212939) is currently in bloom and is ready for foraging. This is one of the key herbs to help combat the upcoming flu season.

Best to find the plants at least 50m away from any roadways. And cut them just below the last stems holding the flowers.

After the initial cut it is best to remove any extra foliage before laying out the flowers on sheets for drying. This is easier while the plant matter is still wet over later when it is dry.

Use screens or cardboard over metal sheets and have a breeze cycle frequently over it to reduce the chance of spoilage. This can also be done manually a couple times a day. Let them dry in a shaded area over direct sunlight.

#wildcrafting #goldenrod #herbalism #DailyBloggingChallenge #foraging

Last updated 1 year ago

Mr.Trunk · @mrtrunk
10 followers · 18307 posts · Server
Bishop Whitewind · @B_Whitewind
403 followers · 591 posts · Server

Also of good note: Anyone that hasn't built up an immunity is going to have a very bad couple of weeks the first time they're in the wrong Alabama forest. Beware the poisonous ivys.
"when leaves of three or five... basically just don't touch anything but you'll still get it"


Last updated 1 year ago

Siin · @siin
241 followers · 850 posts · Server

So I'm clearly a rookie gardener and I made this hilarious mistake of sprouting various medicinal plants in a single bag so now I'm vaguely unclear about what each of these sprouts actually are!
But the good news is that some of the year-old seeds actually did sprout, and those sprouts were just transferred to pots to (hopefully) keep on growing.

#gardening #medicinalplants #herbalism #ranchodelaliberta

Last updated 1 year ago

Feeling a little cynical about having a small farm right now. It's such a weird contradiction where to grow in a small-scale ecological way have you serve a lot of customers that are bougie yuppie people or be at markets that have that bougie yuppie vibe... A lot to think over

#permaculture #herbalism #farming

Last updated 1 year ago

barefootstache · @barefootstache
106 followers · 965 posts · Server


Hypothesis: Over indulging in beer can cause a hangover independent of alcohol quantity.

Considering that beer is made traditionally out of four ingredients: water, grain, hops, and yeast. Over indulging in any of these could be the cause of the hangover.

The main issue is that there is little to no research in this realm.

Let’s first look at hops. There is some research in hops capsules, though they only deal with quantities of 1.5 - 2g. And considering that home brewers standardly use 14g per 3.8L, which would equate 3.68 g/l.

If one assumes that over indulging is defined as more than 3 l/d, then one would quickly fall into the hypothetical hops poisoning group.

I have experienced such a hangover many times this year although I don’t drink alcohol. Just recently had a binge of 4L. Either I need more meticulous data to show that the beer is the dominant factor and not some other dormant instance like hours awake or just find the limit of volume to mitigate the outcome.

Wheat and water are less likely the cause considering that both are prevalent in the standard western diet.

Yeast could also be a factor to explore and easy to test to a point, since one could just eat high quantities of baking yeast. Though this yeast usually isn’t equivalent to the yeast used for beer. Or one can drink hops free beverages that still use yeast like ginger beer.

#DailyBloggingChallenge #bingedrinking #herbalism #brewing #beer #experiment

Last updated 1 year ago

Pythia · @Pythia
107 followers · 1310 posts · Server

Anyone know how to prepare Bacopa monnieri? Incidentally, I have it in my pond.


Last updated 1 year ago

I want to make a wildfire smoke tea blend for people. the smoke hasn't come into town much, but there's still plenty of fire season left.
I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed coming up with a recipe. I'm trying to make it out of things I can forage and don't have to buy.

Current options include
Mullein leaves
Linden leaves or berries (I'm too late for the flowers)
Siberian Elm bark
Mulberry leaves

I could also include plantain, red clover and lemon balm

any suggestions or feedback on the plants I'm looking at?


Last updated 1 year ago

bike · @bike
49 followers · 63 posts · Server

Musculo-skeletal doctor wants me to use topical to reduce chronic where a tendon connects to a bone.

What topical alternatives can I use?

#diclofenac #inflammation #herbal #herbalism #tcm #traditionalchinesemedicine #ayurveda #herbalmedicine #tendonitis

Last updated 1 year ago

SarahK · @triker
122 followers · 224 posts · Server

I got stung by wasps on my thumb and three fingers of one hand on Saturday. OMG. Needles. On fire. Anyway, here is my after action report: First thing I did was grab an icepack from the freezer. That helped quite a bit. Then I poured witch hazel with aloe vera (no alcohol) into a bowl and dunked my hand right in. That really helped, too! Then when I could think straight I washed my hand with soap and water.


Last updated 1 year ago

❤️ A manga I really like had it's anime adaptation announced ❤️

> Maomao, a young woman trained in the art of herbal medicine, is forced to work as a lowly servant in the inner palace. Though she yearns for life outside its perfumed halls, she isn’t long for a life of drudgery! Using her wits to break a “curse” afflicting the imperial heirs, Maomao attracts the attentions of the handsome eunuch Jinshi and is promoted to attendant food taster. But Jinshi has other plans for the erstwhile apothecary, and soon Maomao is back to brewing potions and…solving mysteries?!

> The series is set in a fictional country modelled after ancient China.

#herbalism #manga #anime

Last updated 1 year ago

SarahK · @triker
122 followers · 218 posts · Server

Jon Townsend has some lovely and informative videos on historical medicine and herbalism. These are older videos but still really cool.

Jon at Conner Prairie Historical Farm:

These Plants Could Have Saved You

Tour of a 19Th C Medicinal Garden

Jon at 18th C St Augustine, Fl, Spanish Military Hospital:

Apothecary, Medicine in 1700

Did They Have Germs Back Then

#history #herbalism

Last updated 1 year ago

I'm a 34 year old woman that just opened a bookstore in her town. The bookstore focuses on women, weed, wellness, and witchcraft.

You'll find me talking about the following:
(I especially love making recommendations) and so much more!

#permaculture #herbalism #gardening #foraging #books #romancenovels #nature #craft #cannabis #equality #allyship #crafting #sewing #needlecrafts #yarncrafts #sustainability #zerowaste

Last updated 1 year ago

Jeannie · @jeannie
332 followers · 33 posts · Server

🌿Dive into my new blog post: “Harmonizing Holism: Exploring Herbalism, Natural Medicine & Holistic Health Teachings of St. Hildegard of Bingen - Part One”📜✨

#HolisticHealth #herbalism #naturalmedicine #sthildegard

Last updated 1 year ago

Luna · @LunaSee
70 followers · 135 posts · Server

I love my side garden. Here we have clematis, Saskatoons, mint (no, I didn't plant it, and a Lego to the foot of whoever did), daisies, hostas, and comfrey.

#herbalism #gardening

Last updated 1 year ago

WyldKR · @WyldKR
1 followers · 29 posts · Server

Arnica flowering tops in extra virgin organic olive oil.
A few more weeks it can be strained and ready to use the oil topically straight, or as a cream or salve.

#FlowersOfMastodon #rockymountainlife #getoutside #herbalism #wylife #rockymountainherbalism

Last updated 1 year ago

WyldKR · @WyldKR
1 followers · 28 posts · Server