Early "woke": econlib.org/library/LFBooks/Sp

From the man who expounded the "golden rule" of how to deal with others: "every man may claim the fullest liberty to exercise his faculties compatible with the possession of like liberty by every other man".


Last updated 1 year ago

Dierk Haasis · @Evo2Me
292 followers · 1991 posts · Server toot.community

@Fischblog LƤuse.

Also, bei harmlosen KopflƤusen mĆ¼ssen die Kinder zuhause bleiben. Wie man mir gestern sagte: 'Weil LƤuse ansteckend sind!'

Tuberkolose geht i.O. 'Das Immunsystem muss doch trainiert werden!'

#Sozialdarwinismus #herbertspencer #survival

Last updated 1 year ago

Colin Danby · @cdanby
51 followers · 132 posts · Server masthead.social

Now that my following has surged into double digits, a moment of sharing and peeps-seeking. I've put up here:


some notes and mini-working-papers from a project on body, nation, race, and economy in the 19th and 20th centuries. Most interested in hearing from others working in these areas.

#historyofthebody #historyofeconomicthought #jamesmeade #keynes #irvingfisher #neurasthenia #eugenics #AlfredMarshall #herbertspencer #charlesbabbage

Last updated 2 years ago

Malleus · @Malleus
112 followers · 384 posts · Server pagan.plus

Perhaps a Re- is in order since there's so many more people in this space to share stories and insights with.

I'm an . I manipulate symbols and materials to effect and thus transform myself.
My practice was revealed to me in a series of trances by an ancient who has many historical forms. Some of these are the goddesses known as the Eyes of Ra. She recently revealed to me that she would like me to refer to her as . I'm not second guessing that advice.

I'm a cis het old guy (58) happy married for 25 years. I adore women. Mostly from afar.

Race- white, blue eyed ethnic jew.

My technique is centered on an apparatus I built based on a design the goddess revealed. I later connected the components and operation symbolically to equipment and processes described in classic sources.
I'm a non-traditional Alchemist. I don't use a forge or do metallurgy. My device is electrical and uses a type of to focus energy. It can roughly be described as a type of lamp. The picture shows the output of my process. It's called a .

It is commonly asserted, and I agree, that the coveted philosopher's stone refers to the practitioners themselves. As the goal of the process it is in reality the transformed person.
This is done by separating the spirit and soul from the , changing them and then re-uniting them in the body again. Carl has some interesting ideas on this.

Politically- and card carrying . Iā€™ve been working at the same factory for 28 years.

Other areas of interest besides the are listed below.

I write songs, play electric and . Not famous at all.
A few faves-



(I know- cringe)

Food: , I'll take what I can get. Non-celiac.

Drink- wine spritzers mostly.
A pinch of goes a looooonnnng way. After 45 years of smoking I'm a total lightweight now that it's legal here. That's (officially a suburb 10 miles outside city limits), btw.

Everyone Iā€™ve met here is awesome!
Peace and Solidarity!

#introduction #alchemist #transformations #goddess #Kemetic #Hathor #alchemy #crystal #violograph #body #jung #anarchosyndicalist #Wobbly #occult #bass #ukulele #motorhead #hankwilliams #carolinachocolatedrops #budgie #judaspriest #johnnywinter #buddyguy #hottuna #williamelliotwhitmore #jackbruce #gustavklimt #jackkirby #frankfrazetta #ernstfuchs #gilbertshelton #plotinus #herbertspencer #maxstirner #hegel #heraclitus #iamblichus #glutenfree #pinotgrigio #Weed #chicago #findfriends

Last updated 2 years ago

Colin Danby · @cdanby
4 followers · 45 posts · Server masthead.social

After 2 weeks here Iā€˜ll try a better introduction.
Iā€™m working on nation, race, and body in the . Been stuck in the 19th century for a while with , , and et al. Hoping to move soon to the 20th century including the relation between and ā€œfeeble mindednessā€ and the rise of . is on the horizon as is . Most interested in hearing from anyone working in these areas. 1/2

#jamesmeade #irvingfisher #eugenics #neurasthenia #AlfredMarshall #herbertspencer #coleridge #historyofeconomicthought

Last updated 2 years ago