[Automatic repost https://twitter.com/dystobot/status/1653743762609152000]
RT @Cowtownheadache: CowTown Headache Center
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#sunshine #photophobia #lightsensitivity #hereforyou #migrainelife https://t.co/YfNjopBTVg
#sunshine #photophobia #lightsensitivity #hereforyou #migrainelife
Thank you to the lovely people who wished me happy birthday 🥳 you’re all amazing.
The clock has just ticked over to the new day here in Oz so it’s not my birthday anymore but I’d just like to say that I have really appreciated the love I’ve felt on here, not just for my birthday but over the last 6-ish weeks I’ve been here.
There’s so many of you who have boosted my photos, commented on my poetry, and just connected on a human level that I can’t thank you all invidivually but know that I see you and I am here for each and every one of you, even if I’m on the other side of the planet.
#thanks #love #appreciation #hereforyou
I'm out in town volunteering.
Feel free to text me when you're lonely.
#Christmas #HereForYou
@mariapocalypse Hey mate. So sorry you're feeling low. Please feel free to chat - that goes for anyone on Mastadon feeling it at this time of year. #HereForYou #Depresion #christmasspirit
#hereforyou #Depresion #christmasspirit
Just a wee reminder that when we did our first 'Golden Cowbell Awards™' a few years ago, they looked like this.
Tomorrow, we go again!
From 20:00GMT. Get involved.
PSA: The Beer Farmers Winter Warmer event on Wednesday won't be broadcast, so in order to participate you'll need to register.🍻
PSA: If anyone's after a BSides London standard ticket, we have one to give away.
Drop us a DM, but only do so if you actually intend to get along to this most excellent event. Please boost. We'll put names in a hat.
So here we go - the registration details for our event next week. Please boost!
Get registering!
December 7th, 20:00 GMT - Late.
The Beer Farmers Winter Warmer:
🍻 Mike + Lisa vs. Ian + Nikki in Slide Deck Karaoke
🍻 The Year In Review
🍻 The Beer Farmers Golden Cowbell Awards 2022
🍻 InfoSec Happy Hour
Joining details will be shared over the next day or so.
We'll start being a bit more active on here in due course, but in the meantime, here's what we're up to over the next month...
November 30 - A gig with CTG Intelligence which will be around CISO stuff. More on that soon.
December 7 - Our festive 'Winter Warmer', which will include a face off featuring Mike and Lisa versus Ian and Nikki in a slide deck karaoke, a panel review of 2022, our famed 'Golden Cowbell Awards' and finishing up with a hang out in the InfoSec Happy Hour Style.
Finally, we're doing a Christmas gig with InfoSecurity Magazine on December 15, which will be a panel chat (ourselves and our pal Phil Ingram), talking about the year in cyber and then our also famed big phat quiz.
Get involved!