There's more than waterfalls to appreciate at Sliver Falls State Park. Explore the quiet forest of the backcountry trails. is proud to #sharethegood from Oregon's top news team
đź“ą by, edited by Teresa Mahoney #HereisOregon #silverfalls #hikingv #ad
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There’s never a bad time to enjoy a bottle or cold glass of Tsingtao, but Dumpling Week and the Lunar New Year offer a particularly special experience.
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Tsingtao is a proud supporter of #HereisOregon
Oregon’s Adventure Coast is a prime location for winter storm watching unlike anywhere else you’ve been.
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Oregon’s Adventure Coast is a proud supporter of #HereisOregon
Bring your binoculars to the annual Eagle Watch event in the Gorge.
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Start 2023 with a serving of Hoppin' John and tradition says you'll have good luck all year. đź“ą by Mims Copeland #newyearsday #goodluck #recipe #HereisOregon
#newyearsday #GoodLuck #recipe #hereisoregon
Learn how faculty members at Eastern Oregon University are taking a multifaceted approach to recruiting and training educators.
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Blue Mountain Community College’s two-year diesel technology has a nearly 100% job placement rate and prepares its diverse students for lifelong careers.
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Learn all about how Boardman Foods, a vegetable processing plant that is helping to create a safe and accommodating space for children to learn and parents to work.
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Support local businesses in Lake Oswego and West Linn with the Be Local: Holiday Passport that promotes over 140 local shops.
Learn more about the Be Local: Holiday Passport here:
Wander Willamette is a proud supporter of #HereisOregon #ad
Did you know that for $5, you can get a permit to cut your own Christmas tree in one of Oregon's National Forests? Visit for the permit.
đź“ą Janet Eastman & Dave Killen/The Oregonian
#holidays #Christmastree #hereisoregon
Support local businesses in Lake Oswego and West Linn with the Be Local: Holiday Passport that promotes over 140 local shops.
Learn more about the Be Local: Holiday Passport here: is a proud supporter of #HereisOregon
Growing Gardens produces food for prison kitchens and community food banks across Oregon, while decreasing the recidivism rate by nearly 85%.
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NW Natural is a proud supporter of #HereisOregon
Tai Chi and yoga classes covered by health insurance? PacificSource knows the value of covering all kinds of care.
For more information click here: is a proud supporter of #HereIsOregon
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#hereisoregon #ad #Portland #oregon #pacificsource
Stumped for gifts this year? Find dozens of unique ideas, all made in Oregon. is a proud supporter of #HereisOregon
“Seasons Greetings” from Doug the beaver, our Here is Oregon mascot.
This holiday video comes to you courtesy of the #HereisOregon Community Connections team
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Visiting Portland for the holidays? All December Portland offers an abundance of celebrations, from the traditional to the unexpected. has created a guide to make your holiday bright.
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Flash: A Track and Field Photography showcase returns to Portland this Dec. 15 to celebrate photographers from around the US and recognize their creative works.
For more information click here: is a proud supporter of #HereisOregon
OHSU hosts a unique child healthcare interventions program that takes treatment beyond the doctor’s office.
For more information click here is a proud supporter of #HereisOregon
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#hereisoregon #ad #Portland #oregon
The Safeway | Providence Festival of Trees is back in person for 2022! A true Portland tradition and a family affair, this festival spans generations.
Learn more here: is a proud supporter of #HereisOregon
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The Portland adidas Employee Store is opening its doors to the public this Nov. 18-27.
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This is paid partnership with adidas and #HereisOregon Community Connections team
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