#SynodofVerona #ErfurtLatrine #HolyRomanEmpire #Crusades #Heretics
A land dispute, and, as is often the case, the two fighting over the lands, the landgrave or count, and the archbishop survived, and nearly 100 'innocent' people died. Good argument in favor of public vs. private property, separation of church and state. These disputes always lead to shit!
#synodofverona #erfurtlatrine #holyromanempire #crusades #heretics
Had a real fun time educating people about #TheSatanicTemple (#ScientologyForMallGoths) today at #Seattle #PrideFest on #CapHill.
Thanks to the friends who came out to support the four #QueerSatanic #Heretics still being sued by The Satanic Temple in federal appellate court and now King County Superior Court.
#TST is also still suing Newsweek and its reporter (but maybe not her anymore!) for writing about us. In addition, the #SatanicTemple is now suing a TikToker in Texas for talking about our case. Check the profile link for more.
#thesatanictemple #scientologyformallgoths #seattle #pridefest #caphill #QueerSatanic #heretics #tst #satanictemple
Shout out to all the outsiders out there - those who have never quite fit in with the community around you. I think you know, as I do, you are actually a part of a larger world community, and "your people" are scattered among countries the world over. Never despair, you are important and you are prized. Keep the faith in that which you love - in other words, be YOU #outsiders #weirdos #nerds #geeks #freaks #heretics #deviant
#outsiders #weirdos #nerds #geeks #freaks #heretics #Deviant
@joe I refuse to use the religious descriptor of #evangelical to people that do not follow the teachings of #Jesus. #Zealots, #heretics, #extremists, etc. #Evangelic is Greek for The Good News or Gospel to describe The Way. #Hate #xenophobia #homophobia etc. are not The Way.
#evangelical #jesus #zealots #heretics #extremists #evangelic #hate #xenophobia #homophobia
This. #Christians have tortured and executed people in the name of their god since forever. Whether the people were labeled as #Witches, #Heretics, #Infidels, #Savages, or #Jews, #Christianity was okay with torturing and murdering them individually and collectively.
#christians #witches #heretics #infidels #savages #jews #christianity
The US is the worst thing that happened to Christianity since the Nicene Creed
#US #USA #heresy #heretics #christianity #wednesday #thursday #tuesday #bible
#us #usa #heresy #heretics #christianity #wednesday #thursday #tuesday #bible
#January 2, 1766
#OTD The #Botanist John #Bartram wrote,
"[That] was the #Fatal night that destroyed the #Lime, #Citron & #Banana trees in #StAugustine."
Bernard's "Natural History of #Florida" also wrote about the #Freeze:
"A #Frost destroyed all the #Tropical productions of the country, except the #Oranges.
The #Spaniards called this a #Judgment on the place [becoming] the property of #Heretics - they had never experienced the like."
#january #otd #botanist #bartram #fatal #lime #citron #banana #staugustine #florida #freeze #Frost #tropical #oranges #spaniards #judgment #heretics #Weather #gardening #garden #nature #citrus
The fragility he talks about here would be far more self evident if it were not for the cacophonous din of multitudes speaking without listening. Social media become bullying zones where #heretics are burned unceremoniously at the "digital stake" and complex issue of real material import and wider social benefit are ignored...
Recently heard a pastor teaching his congregation:
1. If I give God money He will give me even more back.
2. If I make obedience to God (by giving) important to me then what I care about will become important to God.
3. If I don't like a long church service then I'm probably not going to heaven.
4. I should do more miracles than Jesus.
Obvs this guy knows things & the Bible shouldn't be taken seriously. #heretics #Christianity #
Very cool excerpt from a graphic novel about #Spinoza and other #heretics
#Mazeldon #Judaism @Mazeldon #HumanisticJudaism
#HumanisticJudaism #judaism #Mazeldon #heretics #spinoza