Since the start of the pandemic I’ve been listening to the Dune series audiobooks at nights to help me to sleep. Not sure at this point how many times I’ve gone through the first 4 books.
#Dune #DuneMessiah #ChildrenOfDune #GodEmperorOfDune #HereticsOfDune #ChapterhouseDune
#Dune #dunemessiah #childrenofdune #godemperorofdune #hereticsofdune #chapterhousedune
I'm working through Heretics of Dune. There is another time jump to establish a new NEW status quo that is the fallout of GEOD + time.
The new intrigue is even more jargon-laced and impenetrable than even the thickest Fremen cultural ideas, and Herbert has totally dropped the explanations that usually follow the introductions of new ideas. It's slow going in parts, but I'm still working through it.
I miss the environmental themes of the early Dune book.
#dune #geod #hereticsofdune
Man gönne sich bitte diesen Seitenhieb auf„Star Wars“ seitens Frank Herbert in seinem 5. „Dune“-Roman „Heretics of Dune“.