#SimplyTheBest is easier said than done, she was #HereToLearn, share & entertain like few! #NamMyohoRengeKyo #RIP #TinaTurner.
My beloved puppy 🐶 and many beautiful house ferns named after her. She paved the way for many & also collaborated memorably. #QueenTina lives in our 💕
#simplythebest #heretolearn #nammyohorengekyo #rip #tinaturner #queentina
Digital media expands our world. When we choose to share ourselves online (on our own terms), like-minded people are drawn to us. Things that turn some people off are exactly what make others interested in our perspectives and experiences.
#Connection #BeingHuman #DigitalCommunity #RealLife #HereToLearn
#connection #beinghuman #digitalcommunity #reallife #heretolearn