Jules · @afewbugs
296 followers · 473 posts · Server social.coop

I'll be teaching at Cathedral this Friday, which will also have a variety of nature-themed activities for children and adults.


#coilbasketry #exeter #bioblitz #heritagecrafts #ancestralskills

Last updated 1 year ago

Pat Reynolds · @SeaMonster
50 followers · 440 posts · Server thegreendragon.online

My copy of the latest Regional Furniture Society Newsletter just arrived, and I'm delighted to see a photograph of a chair bottomer re-rushing a historic chair on the cover. He is semi-retired, maybe even fully retired now. He learned his skills from blind people in a workshop where he was employed to transport the workers.

(and )

#heritagecrafts #regionalfurniture #rushing #caning

Last updated 1 year ago

Pat Reynolds · @SeaMonster
38 followers · 241 posts · Server thegreendragon.online

Photos of at work always welcome!

#luthiers #heritagecrafts

Last updated 2 years ago

Jo Southall · @JBOccyTherapy
19 followers · 28 posts · Server lgbtqia.space

Sometimes the smallest things can give you the biggest realisations. I started these socks a full year ago as a "quick project" and I've only just finished them. I guess I have been pretty busy. How long is it acceptable to pretend it's "busier than normal" before admitting that "busy is normal"?

Secondary realisation, chunky socks are much better than my worn out slippers, layered thin socks or any other combination of things I've been wearing all winter. I must take a lesson from the ancestors and just wear my kit more often. Literally couldn't feel the cold tiles at all through these beauties.

yarn in / . .

#purewool #vikingreenactment #alafosslopi #jorvikstitch #yorkstitch #nalbinding #raynauds #heritagecrafts #woolsocks #vikingcrafts

Last updated 2 years ago

Jo Southall · @JBOccyTherapy
19 followers · 28 posts · Server lgbtqia.space

Sometimes the smallest things can give you the biggest realisations. I started these socks a full year ago as a "quick project" and I've only just finished them. I guess I have been pretty busy. How long is it acceptable to pretend it's "busier than normal" before admitting that "busy is normal"?

Secondary realisation, chunky socks are much better than my worn out slippers, layered thin socks or any other combination of things I've been wearing all winter. I must take a lesson from the ancestors and just wear my kit more often. Literally couldn't feel the cold tiles at all through these beauties.

yarn in / . .

#purewool #vikingreenactment #alafosslopi #jorvikstitch #yorkstitch #nalbinding #raynauds #heritagecrafts #woolsocks #vikingcrafts

Last updated 2 years ago

Blaidd Drwg · @blaidddrwg
327 followers · 1685 posts · Server realsocial.life

2/3 I removed the top from the base and got out one of my favorite hand planes.

As I got close to removing all of the damage I occasionally stopped to brush denatured alcohol over the top. This made the remaining damage more visible so I had a better idea of how much further to go.

I eventually reached a point where the damage was not immediately noticeable and I decided that there was enough top left that it would not need to be replaced, which made me happy.

#antiquetools #heritagecrafts

Last updated 2 years ago

Pat Reynolds · @SeaMonster
24 followers · 114 posts · Server thegreendragon.online

Project for 16 to 25-year-olds in West UK

pre-apprenticeship programme, which is now seeking 16 to 25-year-olds in , and between February and April 2023.


#cornwall #heritagecrafts #cornishhedging #coppersmithing #basketmaking

Last updated 2 years ago

Blaidd Drwg · @blaidddrwg
269 followers · 1330 posts · Server realsocial.life
Dr Chrissie Van Mierlo · @chrissie
252 followers · 248 posts · Server ohai.social

I was on t’radio today!

Listen to (a little bit of) me and my lovely colleagues talk about how me make a at the in the “Bells That Still Can Ring”. There’s great interviews with Oliver Caroe at , the sound engineer behind AC/DC’s and a team of .


#bell #bellfoundry #bbc #radio4 #documentary #stpaulscathedral #hellsbells #bellringers #radio #bells #bellringing #bellfounding #heritagecrafts #industrial #industrialhistory #acdc #greatpaul

Last updated 2 years ago