Today 4 yrs ago: international train from 🇫🇮 has arrived in 🇸🇪 . , yes, but daily is possible. Now we're getting electrification, we just need decisions on traffic.

#CrossBorderRail #heritagetrain #haparanda

Last updated 1 year ago

Main event of the year in 🇫🇮 : Railway Museum Day 13.8.! Schedules out now. Arrive by style from 4 directions: , , and , latter with steam.
And a lot to experience at the museum of course:

#helsinki #Porvoo #tampere #lohja #heritagetrain

Last updated 1 year ago

How to catch 's in ? Well, simply check out and follow the links to more information!

Picture: the last Dm7 "Lättähattu" railcar, nr 4216 (Valmet, 15.1.1963). Back in heritage traffic after 20 years, in Toijala 21.8.2021.

#maatapitkin #railway #railwayhistory #train #museojuna #Finland #heritagetrain

Last updated 2 years ago

Tim Richards · @timrichards
1195 followers · 3674 posts · Server

Time for another train post? Of course it is.

In October 2019 I caught the Savannahlander train from Cairns, Australia, on its weekly four-day tour through Far North Queensland. After it leaves the city it climbs high through spectacular tropical rainforest before heading across the fertile Atherton Tableland, then through sparsely-treed savannah country in the thinly-settled Outback.

There are excursions along the way to natural attractions such as caves and gorges, including a cruise along Cobbold Gorge. Passengers sleep in simple caravan park accommodation, with nights at cabins in Chillagoe, Forsayth (the line’s terminus), and Mount Surprise. There are memorable lunch stops at pubs in ghost towns - the one at Einasleigh being the highlight, a true Aussie Outback pub.

The train itself is beautiful, a streamlined delight with refurbished carriages from the 1960s and ‘70s. It’s all fairly basic, no aircon and little catering - though on one morning the driver stopped the train to set up a table with morning tea on the side of the tracks. While I stood there chatting another passenger, a young dingo trotted past, eyeing us warily. We saw a lot of wildlife on that trip.

cc @austrains @seatsixtyone

#RailTravel #TrainTravel #train #trains #heritagetrain #outback #queensland #tropical #railway

Last updated 2 years ago