#HermanDaly asked: economic growth for what, who, and how long? Arnie Arneson and I wrestled with these ?s and more while discussing Daly’s legacy on her radio show #TheAttitude. https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/staff74238/episodes/2022-11-28T20_51_02-08_00
#HermanDaly's ideas inspired a movement to live within our means. The father of #EcologicalEconomics and an architect of #SustainableDevelopment died late last month, but his ideas live on in a world that may now be ready to hear them. My tribute to a mentor & friend in @TheConversationUS: https://theconversation.com/the-inconvenient-truth-of-herman-daly-there-is-no-economy-without-environment-193848
#hermandaly #ecologicaleconomics #sustainabledevelopment
Looking also for #HermanDaly fans, included #EcologicalEconomics #steadyStateEconomics #EnvironmentalEconomics
And, in case you do not know? He died in late October. Rest high and well, dear and beloved Herman.https://www.theguardian.com/books/2022/nov/11/herman-daly-obituary
#hermandaly #EcologicalEconomics #steadystateeconomics #environmentaleconomics