New preprint: "Sexual antagonism in sequential hermaphrodites", with Thomas Hitchcock (@imprintedgene):
#Hermaphroditism #Protandy #Protogyny #SexChange #IntragenomicConflict #IntralocusSexualConflict #Image @biorxivpreprint #OpenAccess #OA
#hermaphroditism #protandy #protogyny #sexchange #intragenomicconflict #intralocussexualconflict #image #openaccess #oa
After the often humorous account of the chance encounter of Jupien & #deCharlus (I think one of #literature’s monsters), then the #hermaphroditism metaphor, the narration turns to the odious #Guermantes’ soirée. I just want to note (subjectively) that this passage is akin to a #stilllife/naturalemorte. The #Dreyfus affair holds this part together. One might say ‘animates’ the treatment. But it is a characteristically well-worked still/life of the 3e #République.
#republique #dreyfus #stilllife #Guermantes #hermaphroditism #literature #decharlus