Drone factory shut down trial begins
In April last year, two activists locked-on to the gates of the Leicester drone company UAV Tactical Systems (UTACS), a subsidiary of Israel's largest weapons firm Elbit Systems. The activists fixed their bodies to the lock-on, rendering acce
#Activism #DirectAction #ElbitSystems #Hermesdrones #Leicester #PalestineAction #Solidarity #UAVTacticalSystems #UTACS #Watchkeeperdrone
#activism #directaction #elbitsystems #hermesdrones #leicester #PalestineAction #solidarity #uavtacticalsystems #utacs #watchkeeperdrone
Palestine Action Scotland occupies roof of Leonardo arms factory in Edinburgh
Palestine Action Scotland have shut down the Edinburgh factory of Leonardo UK, occupying the roof of the site forcing its closure and preventing the operations of a company deeply
#Activism #Edinburgh #ElbitSystems #Hermesdrones #Leonardo #LeonardoUK #Leonardoweapons #PalestineAction #Solidarity
#activism #edinburgh #elbitsystems #hermesdrones #leonardo #leonardouk #leonardoweapons #PalestineAction #solidarity