#sacredgeometry #AncientArt #hermetic
Mask of Hermes showing golden divisions
#sacredgeometry #ancientart #hermetic
Bioma de Benasque. Musgo (Bryophyta) (Spray sobre fotografía. Película Ilford HP5) Mas información en el link: https://www.tonocarbajo.net/la-naturaleza-es-el-museo ______________________ #biomas #colapse #hermetic #microplanet #microworld #tonocarbajo #experiment #biology #closedworlds #benasque #pirineo #ilfordhp5 #wood #forest #macrophotography #nikonfm2n #nikon
#biomas #colapse #hermetic #microplanet #microworld #tonocarbajo #experiment #biology #closedworlds #benasque #pirineo #ilfordhp5 #wood #forest #macrophotography #nikonfm2n #nikon
_Musaeum Hermeticum Reformatum et Amplificatum ... MCDLXXVIII_ (Hermetic Museum Reformed and Amplified ... 1678) engraving by Matthaeus Merian the Elder at Frankfurt, p 323.
An incredibly complicated engraving including the classical elements, planets, hermetic operations, a king riding a lion, a mer-queen riding a whale, the anima-spirit-corpus trinity, sun, moon, and a variety of other symbols I can't begin to interpret.
#hermeticism #alchemy #hermetic #Astrology
_Musaeum Hermeticum Reformatum et Amplificatum ... MCDLXXVIII_ (Hermetic Museum Reformed and Amplified ... 1678) engraving by Matthaeus Merian the Elder at Frankfurt, p 323.
An incredibly complicated engraving including the classical elements, planets, hermetic operations, a king riding a lion, a mer-queen riding a whale, the anima-spirit-corpus trinity, sun, moon, and a variety of other symbols I can't begin to interpret.
#alchemy #hermeticism #hermetic #Astrology
What are y'alls favorite #magic, #occultism, #pagan, or #hermetic related YouTube channels? I'm making a list. Based on a recent series of crossover videos, I've got the following already on my list:
John Vervaeke
Modern Hermeticist
Let's Talk Religion
Foolish Fish
Seekers of Unity
Angela's Symposium
Who am I missing?
#magic #occultism #Pagan #hermetic
The Hexangle in the 2nd form. It is the sign of the macrocosm. In balance, 6 angles represents the 6 days of creation. In whole, the 7day of rest lies in the center. It is a symbol of great strength, power, and harmony. The astral image is sealed under the Sephirah.
#Tarot #occult #magik #pagan #hermetic #witchcraft
The Pentad, second form
Once again YHSHVH and the four elements are represented. More complexly the top most point represents is the Sign of the Microcosm, representing man also powerful and good in nature. The pentagram is closely associated with the planet Mars. Notably, when turned point down, it represents evil, or beast.
#pagan #magic #astrology #witchcraft #hermetic #spirituality
#pagan #magic #astrology #witchcraft #hermetic #spirituality
The Pentad, first form.
In the first form as the pentagon, it represents spirit, which sits a top, and the four elements. YHSHVH, Yeheshuah (יהשוה) is also represented at each corner. The pentagon dispels the energies here rather than consecrating them. While representing the fifth Sephirah, Geburah, it is also good in nature.
#pagan #hermetic #magic #magick #spirituality #astrology
#pagan #hermetic #magic #magick #spirituality #astrology
The Triangle
This is the first and simplest of all shapes. It represents the Triad, Supernal Sephrioth, and Binah. Notably Saturn sits within the middle with the three Alchemical Principals of Nature station and the three corners. Last the triangle itself without a bar, represents fire.
#pagan #odg #hermetic #spiritual #magic
“All” is of “One” 3 or “One” is “All.” So closely bound is each to other, that neither can be parted from its mate.
- The Asclepius, first sermon
#hermetic #pagan #spirituality
The Four Orders of Elementals
-Gnomes Earth
They live in terreous ether, within the minerals of the earth and flora. In physical form they’re typically depicted as older/elderly humans of very slight stature. Typically miserly in attitude, they hide worldly and other-worldly treasures within the earth. Their ruler is Gob.
#occult #odg #pagan #spirituality #hermetic
The Tree of Life or Etz Chayim (עץ חיים) is made of ten emanations, or Sephiroth, of God/Deity.
1 - Kether כתר Crown
2 - Chokmah חכמה Wisdon
3 - Binah בינה Understanding
4 - Chesed חסד Mercy
- Daath דעת Knowledge (is a path not a Sephirah)
5 - Geburah גבורה Severity
6 - Tiphareth תפארת Beauty
7 - Netzach נצח Victory
8 - Hod הוד Glory
9 - Yesod יסוד Foundation
10 - Malkuth מלכות Kingdom
#occult #qabalah #witch #theology #hermetic #education
@Richard_Littler I showed this symbol to my Husband, who's a Wiccan & is knowledgeable about different types of #hermetic #Alchemical symbolisms. He researched it, believe it originates from #Elizabethan #royalalchemist #JohnDee from book written by #JohnDee called #MonasHieroglyphica . Symbols representing #taurus #moon #sun #mercury #jupiter #saturn #aries merged together. It's not a system my Husband personally follows so done lots of research himself from own books. Hope this helps.
#hermetic #alchemical #elizabethan #royalalchemist #johndee #monashieroglyphica #taurus #moon #sun #mercury #jupiter #saturn #aries
The Three Principles of Alchemy
🜔 Salt: the physical body and physical world. It holds the elements Earth and Water.
☿ Mercury: the passive female energy, life energy, and the mind. It holds Air and Water.
🜍 Sulfur: It represent the active male energy, the soul. It beholds both Fire and Air.
#Alchemy #occult #pagan #witchcraft #ogd #hermetic #theology
#Alchemy #occult #pagan #witchcraft #OGD #hermetic #theology
"Blluist", part 5
#illustration #painting #graffiti #calligraphy #lettering #art #occult #hermetic #acrylic
#illustration #painting #graffiti #calligraphy #lettering #art #occult #hermetic #acrylic
Hermeticism FAQ: Part I, Overview and History