Sapientia · @Sapientia
0 followers · 4 posts · Server
aithir · @aithir
176 followers · 219 posts · Server

: The Big Picture

In modern times, visualize everything after the stone age, humans follow five motivations. Love and its antipode hate, wisdom, striving for power and ambition. The last two are not the same. For some extreme examples, Einstein had wisdom and ambition while Hitler strived for power and hate. You might think of money as another motivator. ...

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#secretsociety #magicians #Fantasy #hermetics

Last updated 2 years ago

aithir · @aithir
274 followers · 276 posts · Server

: The Big Picture

In modern times, visualize everything after the stone age, humans follow five motivations. Love and its antipode hate, wisdom, striving for power and ambition. The last two are not the same. For some extreme examples, Einstein had wisdom and ambition while Hitler strived for power and hate. You might think of money as another motivator. ...

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#secretsociety #magicians #Fantasy #hermetics

Last updated 2 years ago

aithir · @aithir
274 followers · 276 posts · Server

: Hermetic Cults

The success story of the Hermetic Society lies in its fanatic secrecy on the one hand and its exertion of influence and power on the other hand. However, you can't keep a secret for 10.000 years without leaks. ...

, , , Society


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#secret #magicians #Fantasy #cults #hermetics

Last updated 2 years ago

aithir · @aithir
274 followers · 276 posts · Server

: Observers

The third and last council of the Hermetic Society call themselves The Observers. The official name is "Council of Observation and Justice". Just like the other three, this organisation is centrally organised as well and spawns countless subsidiaries around the world.

It is also the oldest of the three councils. Its foundation dates back to 7.500 BC proven by a piece of slate called the Stone Charter of Horon. It contains the constitution for all Hermetics and the fundamental laws they must adhere to.

The Observers have two tasks, which you would nowadays call executive and judicial power. They are the Court and the Secret Service of the Society combined in one organisation, which forms the most powerful independent organisation you never heard of.

Some of their duties are:

- investigation, enforcement and jurisdiction in acts of mind terror
- unallowed hermetic activities
- surveillance of factions that act outside the society



Last updated 2 years ago

aithir · @aithir
274 followers · 276 posts · Server

: Registry

Bureaucracy, just like science was an invention by the Hermetic Society. They call their Offices the Registry. Its first task is to record history and manage all past records. But its main duty is to collect information on all level-four-plus hermetics in the world.

Right now, a bit over 6 million living people are registered in the huge database, which is these days, of course fully digitised and searchable if you have the right clearance.

Even in old times, long before the first canonical scripts had spread through the rest of humanity, the Registry had collected data on stone boards and aggregated them in a structured way.

Everything is ordered hierarchically and therefore centrally. On the top, the registry is led by a board called Register's Council, the second of three Councils that support the organisation of the Hermetic Society. From there, the structure spreads like a fan through all continents, regions and cities.


#Fantasy #hermetics

Last updated 2 years ago

aithir · @aithir
274 followers · 276 posts · Server

: Academy

Science is a process of understanding the world. The Hermetics had started to form networks millennia before for example, the people in Europe had settled. And studying their own capabilities, studying magic and handing over knowledge represented an early core aspect of such communities.

In the year 6021 BC, the Hermetic Society founded the Academy (or with its full name the Academic Council). Other than common universities, It is an independent organisation with subsidiaries on all continents. The Academy works based on a sophisticated knowledge exchange system, that had worked ages before the first telecommunication devices were invented.

Among others, the Academy includes the following faculties:

- Hermetics: The physical and philosophical aspects of magic
- Hermetic Anthropology: researching and categorising the phenomenon of magicians
- History: Analysing the detailed chronicles of Hermetics and their effects on humans


#amwriting #Fantasy #hermetics

Last updated 2 years ago

aithir · @aithir
274 followers · 276 posts · Server

- Convent

Once a year, representatives of the lodges meet for several days and discuss the state of the Hermetic Society. The Convent is organised for around 8000 years. In the beginning, it was a massive once-in-a-lifetime pilgrimage for attendees and only a small selection could follow the calls to the table. At that time, the lodges had endless power.

When travelling became easier, more magicians from different parts of the world could join. Today, the convent is like a gigantic fair with a lot of meet and greet. There are so many Hermetics, that the lodges can only send some representatives.

The Convent is well organized and forms several committees that discuss matters from world politics to internal organisation.

Additionally, there are three central committees called councils that are constituted through the convent but form permanent institutions: the Academic Council or Academy, the Council of Observers and the Registry.


#amwriting #Fantasy #hermetics

Last updated 2 years ago

aithir · @aithir
274 followers · 276 posts · Server

- The Hermetic Society

I need to tell you more about the Secret Society that stands behind everything. In fact, it's the biggest organisation of mankind that you've never heard of. It was founded 10.000 years ago. At that time, only 2 million human beings existed in the world. And so only a handful was strong in Mana.

Still, some of them met in the thriving Middle East and founded the society that thrived ever since. They had been influencing life and politics long before the term politics was invented. But they have managed to stay hidden since the beginning. They are the puppet masters of the world.

The Society splits up into decentralised and rather independent cells or lodges that spread worldwide. The hierarchical structure is not necessarily tied to magical strength. As usual, it's a composition of the will to organise and lead, the strive for power and the actual hermetic capabilities. So it's not always the most capable who leads the pack.


#Fantasy #hermetics

Last updated 2 years ago

aithir · @aithir
274 followers · 276 posts · Server

The Reign Over Time

There is one more feature of magicians that is worth discussing.

Our perception of time is a subjective construct of our mind. It happens in our brain and therefore it can be manipulated. have that capability. No, not what you think, as said, they can't go beyond physical laws. But they're good manipulators and that includes the subjective impression of time passing by. Who has never thought that in some situations time passes slower than in others?

It is one of the easier tasks. Even weaker Hermetics can twist the time of their surrounding fellows to a certain degree. As usual, a well-trained or more powerful mage has better and more refined possibilities.

Slowing down the time for one person or a small group near a magician is doable even for stage 5 Hermetics. Almost stopping the time or restricting the effect to only some individuums is already a greater task. Affecting a whole town or region is the master class.


#amwriting #Fantasy #hermetics

Last updated 2 years ago