"Despite a huge misconception in the trans community to the contrary, it turns out you don’t need a Gender Recognition Certificate in order to be gendered correctly on your death certificate. What’s more, if you know someone who has been misgendered on their death certificate - you can apply to correct it. In this article, I explain this process, and also discuss its limitations compared to the Gender Recognition Certificate, and explain why a better alternative to a GRC is to remove legal sex markers entirely. "
#HerNameIsBrianna #RestInPride #GenderRecognitionCertificate #trans
#hernameisbrianna #restinpride #genderrecognitioncertificate #trans
it was trending as a phrase in the uk, very few people were using the hashtag, and it has been used as a slogan outside of the say her name campaign in the us for decades.
and yet still, other people made the point better, without distracting from brianna, without terfs in their mentions agreeing, who also accuse brianna of being a man.
your black friends are not a monolith of black culture and treating them as such is wrong. there were plenty of black voices in disagreement.
i believe that we can use another hashtag, it costs us little. i also believe that there are voices on "left twitter" who do their best to divide people and distract from the issue at hand.
she didn't use this as an opportunity to build solidarity, she used this as an opportunity to be an arsehole and take attention away from the death of even the black trans women others were talking about.
lets center the victims and not an arsehole yelling at people who were mourning.
let us also mourn:
ariyanna mitchell
katie newhouse
siblings jeffrey bright & jasmine cannady
these are the people i listened to:
The 14 yo and I went to a candlelight vigil tonight and they spontaneously decided to join the queue of speakers. Am very very proud of them. Also, really good to see a large crowd there. #HerNameIsBrianna
Am Samstag wurde das 16-jährige trans* Mädchen Brianna Ghey am hellichten Tag in einem Park ermordet. Deshalb wollen wir diesen Sonntag (19.2.) um 11 Uhr auf dem Nollendorfplatz eine Mahnwache zu ihrer Erinnerung halten.
Teilt den Aufruf und kommt zahlreich!
#BriannaGhey #HerNameIsBrianna #Berlin #b1902 #TransRightsAreHumanRights
#briannaghey #hernameisbrianna #berlin #b1902 #transrightsarehumanrights
RT @bloomfilters
im just gonna say from a purely pragmatic standpoint if you get #hernameisbrianna trending you'll not just have a template for other trans ppl who get deadnamed but her actual name is front and center, as it should be. people will wonder who brianna is and learn what happened.