I saw an ad for a Barry Manilow concert and I'm torn. That could be a lot of fun, or it could be horribly depressing.
#hewrotethesongs #hecantsmilewithoutme #hernamewaslola #shecameandshegavewithouttakingbuthesentherawayohmandy
Had ABSOLUTE pleasure working with #CamilleOSullivan @camilleos donks ago in documentary (#HerNameWasLola) about 19thc #Irish courtesan and all around #Clever #Woman #LolaMontez (#ElizaGilbert) &have heard great things about #Camille's #EdithPiaf performance at the @GateTheatreDub --so encourage folks to book:#RegretteRien !!! #Great #Christmas #Gift @afdublin
#camilleosullivan #hernamewaslola #irish #clever #woman #lolamontez #elizagilbert #camille #edithpiaf #regretterien #great #christmas #gift