Mary Nelson · @marynelson8
432 followers · 1818 posts · Server

Finished reading Trust by Hernan Diaz.

Have not read a more fascinating book in quite a while. But my taste in literature is uncommon, and I'm known for selecting books that make me think over entertainment alone. It's not a book for everyone.

Still thinking about Trust today: Its several forms and voices, its surfaces, its depths, its philosophical juxtapositions, its psychologies, and the surprising achievement of such a work.

#pulitzer #hernandiaz #trust #Reading #Books #bookstodon

Last updated 1 year ago

Jason Pettus :blobrainbow: · @jasonpettus
374 followers · 1780 posts · Server

Read my DNF review of Hernan Diaz's "Trust," in which I attempt to take on this year's highly popular Pulitzer winner about the exploits of a Gilded Age investment tycoon, but realize quickly that this is one of those 21st-century books that takes what should be a sophisticated, nuanced, complex topic and boils it down to the idiot-friendly message "RICH PEOPLE BAD!!!!"

#review #book #trust #hernandiaz #pulitzer #winner #terrible #obvious #richpeoplebad

Last updated 1 year ago

STD Carriers · @stdcarriers
0 followers · 676 posts · Server
· @nancypearl
190 followers · 21 posts · Server

From 's Trust, winner of the Kirkus Prize for Fiction:
"Most of us prefer to believe we are the active subjects of our victories but only the passive objects of our defeats."


Last updated 2 years ago