Gizmodo: Essential Back to School Gear Guide for Pop Culture Fans #teenagemutantninjaturtles #entertainmentculture #technologyinternet #humaninterest #studioghibli #purplerain #spiderman #donatello #heroclix #mutant #disney #sanrio #barbie #find #xmen
#teenagemutantninjaturtles #entertainmentculture #technologyinternet #humaninterest #studioghibli #purplerain #spiderman #donatello #heroclix #mutant #disney #sanrio #barbie #find #xmen
The new #HeroClix card format is now public! The main goal was to bring more attention to the sculpt, not having it cropped to a little bust on the corner. That dominoed into a few other measures to conserve space, compress reference information, and generally make the game easier to approach. I learned a lot! While I'm happy with this first wave, the future waves look even better now that the template is stabilized and future-proofed.
I'm extremely excited to say that I have accepted an eComm position with WizKids.
I'm a tabletop gaming fanatic and I've long dreamt of getting involved in the industry that I am passionate about. I cannot believe I'll be helping to bring Dungeons & Dragons minis, Heroclix, games, and more to the tables of people around the world.
Thanks to everyone in the tabletop hobby space I've crossed paths with- you've only served to make me love this life even more.
#DnD #ttrpg #heroclix #boardgames
A few years ago, for a month I embarked on a project to learn how to compose images in #Photoshop .
I took photos of miniatures and tried to put them in "the real world", this is the firs one I made that looked good to me.
#photoshop #heroclix #miniatures #photo #mastoart #digitalart
A few years ago, for a month I embarked on a project to learn how to compose images in #Photoshop .
I took photos of miniatures and tried to put them in "the real world", this is the firs one I made that looked good to me.
#photoshop #heroclix #miniatures #photo #mastoart #digitalart
DC Comics HeroClix: Wonder Woman 80th Anniversary Booster Brick (10)
43% off
We're contemplating battle map ideas for running #Gaslands at a game convention. We have maps for #StarWars and #HeroClix that might be ok, but they're not post-apocalyptic enough.
Ideally, the map (or maps) should be about 6 ft by 3 ft and cover a reasonably-sized conference table.
Any suggestions?
:smile: Customizable 3-D #HeroClix Map
Guy Gardner’s biggest problem with Godzilla trashing New York…? He’s a foreigner. If the big G was a hometown boy instead of a Japanese tourist, then fine, pick an American city, …
Fourth game, Monster Hunters vs vampires again.
Found the precious on the Count's dead undead body, called for rescue, killed fiends, everybody alive at the end...VP: 11 "A trully heroic performance".
- #RackhamConfrontation #GriffinsOfAkkylannia,
- #MageKnight Baran Skullcracker
- #Heroclix Man Bat
- #WarhammerQuest giant bat
#PerilousTales #minis #rackhamconfrontation #GriffinsOfAkkylannia #mageknight #heroclix #warhammerquest #tabletopgaming #sologaming
#ProjectPerilous: Possible candidates for "The Robot" and
"The Inventor".
- #MageKnight "Corpheus"
- MK "Technomancer"
- 3D not so well printed salvaged mini
- #Heroclix #DoctorDoom
#ProjectPerilous #minis #mageknight #heroclix #doctordoom