Getting ready for the last day of #heroescon . It has been a fun time. Some of the standouts: interacting with the #cartoonistKayfabe boys Ed Piskor and Jim Rugg as well as cool cats Brett Parson, Michel Fiffe, Richard Case, Bridgit Connell and Matt Kindt.
I bought some art, piles of cheap comics and a lot of books directly from the creators. Weekend well spent!
This weekend I’ve set up the Trekker Empire at the always- spectacular #heroescon. Friday was just phenomenal, and that’s just the “warm-up” day! If you’re at the show, swing by Table 712 and say Hi!
I’m a bit late to reading #DoAPowerbomb by #DanielWarrenJohnson but I got hooked with the first twist and the end of the #2 just blew my fn MIND.
I now regret not buying issue #1 when it came out & having him sign it when I went to #HeroesCon last summer, not for any other reason than it’s the only thing akin to an autograph that I appreciate. (He did sign my hardcover cover of the mind-blowingly good #MurderFalcon, complete with an awesome drawing of Murf.)
I’m an idiot for not reading this sooner - especially since a #ProWrestling-inspired #comic has been percolating in my head for about a year.
#doapowerbomb #danielwarrenjohnson #heroescon #murderfalcon #prowrestling #comic #comics #imagecomics
@stevelieber @stevevanhorn Got this one at #heroescon 2012 . Hanging right behind my desk so you can see it on Zoom meetings.
I’ll be at #heroescon in Charlotte, NC this weekend! I’ll have recipe card gift sets, comics, prints, and totes!
#art #MastoArt #comiccon #artistalley
#artistalley #comiccon #MastoArt #art #heroescon
We're at Table AA1524 this weekend at #Heroescon! Selling #comics, #stickers, and prints!