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#IronFist vs #CaptainAmerica from Issue 12.
Nuff said.
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In Defenders #19 #DoctorStrange and Wrecker lock up over the mystical crowbar. Stephen’s mystical prowess wins the day.
Apparently the power of Shou-Lao doesnt compare to Karnilla’s. Maybe if #IronFist hadnt used his chi earlier, this might have went the other way.
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If was in this moment that Thunderball knew he fucked up.
Seriously though, Thunderball is the real MVP for the #WreckingCrew in these episode. Much like the last panels on the last page, he’s constantly demolishing the police and takes Misty as a hostage.
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Bulldozer really gets the worst of everything in these two issues. Both #IronFist and Misty make a fool of him. Then he gets clobbered by Thunderball in the same fight.
In the end he literally gets hit with the worst part of #Thor’s training sequence.
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How did the Wrecking Crew come to face #IronFist?
First they got stomp in one amazing fight against #DoctorStrange and the Defenders and were arrested.
Wrecker escaped prison and battled the #FantasticFour with #LukeCage. For all of Reed’s smart he left him with cops and cuffs.
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If you can have it you’re way at @BurgerKing I’m going to need one of my local stores to look like this. Volcanic geysers and all.
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Ben Grimm, Kung Fu Disaster
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As Deadly Hands of Kung Fu comes to an end, only one villain could bring together the heroes of series.
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Before he was an #Avenger or #SheHulk’s lover, Jack of Hearts was cold blooded.
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This is why you don’t let a cop turned private detective take a NYPD helicopter super hero fight.
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The opening pin up from Deadly Hands of Kung Fu 31. I will never get tired of seeing the black and white art of Rudy Nebres.
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Tomorrow I dive into the final issues of Deadly Hands of Kung Fu featuring a tale that brings all of the characters in the series together.
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Just another reason why I love the character of Clive Reston.
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In Master of Kung Fu 55 we meet Han Sung, a former teacher of #ShangChi who was obsessed with the elixir of immortality. Knowing how it affects the body, it’s a race against time as our hero tries to stop him from taking it.
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The opening splash page to Master of Kung Fu 55 is haunting and horrific. The art team of Mike Zeck and Jim Mooney do a beautiful job of foreshadowing a great one shot story.
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Tomorrow on the podcast…..🤬
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From the latest episode, #IronFist battles Chaka. Bynre’s flow of the fight from an office, down some stairs and into the street is perfect.
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One of the things I love about this is arc is how the storytelling of the past is done without black ink. Even the motion of #IronFist is done without black except for the end of his action.
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Of course J. Jonah Jameson would think #SpiderMan is involved when another hero is blamed for a murder!
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