V Turecku to vyzeralo, že sú tam samí Ruᛋᛋáci, až jedna pani predavačka, pôvodom z Odesy, ma upozornila, že je tam aj dosť Ukrajincov. Akurát, že ťažko rozoznať, veľa z nich hovorí po rusky (nie že by bežný človek tieto 2 jazyky rozoznal...). Jedného som rozoznal spoľahlivo. Vyzeral ako Zelenského brat, ale podstatný bol watchface na jeho Garmin hodinkách. Bezodkladne som si ho inštaloval aj ja. A prikladám odkaz aj pre vás.
#heroiamslava #garmin #instinct
@EugeneMcParland Magnifique! ❤️
#UkraineMustWin so #UkraineWillWin. #NAFO
#ukrainemustwin #UkraineWillWin #nafo #StandWithUkraine #SlavaUkraini #heroiamslava
@pasmac os pilotos precisam de tempo para treinar e o Servilistão continua a ter sistemas anti-aéreos de precisão em funcionamento (nada que uns HIMARS e ATACAMS não ajudassem a resolver). Infelizmente os combates de atrição, quase trincheira a trincheira serão a norma, com as perdas de heróis ucranianos que isso implica (os criminosos russos já não contam para mim). #HeroiamSlava
Two American Citizens Killed Fighting in Ukraine #HeroiamSlava
Mistodon: no sooner had the boots of the Russian army soldiers hit #Ukraine dirt than accounts of the most incredible badassery from the defenders began flooding social media -- the reply of the defenders of Snake Island when invited to surrender made way for the baba who invited invading soldiers to put sunflowers in their pockets, that the rotting of their stinking corpses in Ukrainian soil might result in one positive outcome: a beautiful field of flowers. Some artists rooted for the underdog from afar: this #teletext screen depicts Ukraine's coat of arms, a #trident (#tryzub) against a blue shield, the seal of #VolodymyrTheGreat, the first Grand Prince of Kyiv. This screen was drawn by @atonalosprey and included in the MIST0222 artpack collection released one year ago this month. #SlavaUkraini #HeroiamSlava!
#ukraine #teletext #trident #tryzub #volodymyrthegreat #SlavaUkraini #heroiamslava
Maria Avdeeva, journalist based in Kharkiv is a heroine. We should leave Twitter definitive but still there also because of her.
As we’re in this complex information war I’ve noticed that it sorta requires us to be our best (by design?)😑 & that’s a lot to ask right now, esp after what we’ve been through 😔
I still have hope ❤️🔥
#PAM : positive active measures!
Qualities like being able to laugh at ourselves. Admitting faults. Forgiveness. Kindness. Laughter. Educating ourselves. Recognizing where our own weaknesses live. Besides fighting for what’s right, these are some of our weapons in this war. #heroiamslava 🌻
"Apart from the Ukrainian victory, any other option will be a mistake, and this must be honestly admitted," President Zelensky.
#heroiamslava #SlavaUkraini #ukraine
President Volodymyr Zelensky announced as Time Magazine's #PersonOfTheYear.
This says it all.
#heroiamslava #SlavaUkraini #ukraine #personoftheyear
President Volodymyr Zelensky announced as Time Magazine's #PersonOfTheYear.
That says it all.
#heroiamslava #SlavaUkraini #ukraine #personoftheyear
@maria_drutska Watched. Horrific. Beyond all else, such terror should be dealt a deafening blow by all civilized countries without holding back -- simply for the sake of ending such a horror. I try to understand the political challenges, however, the message keeps coming through loud and clear. We all must do more.
#heroiamslava #SlavaUkraini #ukraine
I have framed my letter of thanks from Mamuka, leader of the Georgian Legion. I am so proud of the men and women to fight to repel the disgusting invaders, and proud to be a supporter. #heroiamslava
100 international volunteers who died for 🇺🇦. RIP and #heroiamslava #героямслава
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/Marine_Ukraine/status/1592647130338168833