A follow-up thought: Fat people often seem to be scapegoats by all ends of the political spectrum. I've heard self-described "leftists" bemoan that we can't have #MedicareForAll in the US because of fat people rather than correctly blaming the avarice of insurance companies. Because of the stereotype of fat people as greedy, fat people may also be blamed for supposedly consuming too many resources, when really, it's the wealthy who are hoarding our planet's resources and creating artificial scarcity.
Fascism is always looking for scapegoats, and perhaps it seems to have found them in fat people. #HeroinChic simply serves to make that scapegoating trendy and fashionable
#medicareforall #heroinchic #y2k #y2kfashion #fascism #fatphobia
The obvious answer to the return of #HeroinChic and the rise of fascism would be that fascism lauds the supposed "discipline" of the slender body, and the #WhiteSupremacy of one very specific body type. Another obvious answer would be that fascism, being inherently #patriarchal and #sexist, does not value powerful women but instead prefers them to look weak and docile. The super skinny look of #Y2K fashion fits both of these aspects of fascism.
But, like, it can't be that obvious, can it? Or is it that obvious and I just want it to be deeper so I can overanalyze it and feel like I'm giving some great insight when really I'm doing nothing?
#heroinchic #whitesupremacy #patriarchal #sexist #y2k #fashion #y2kfashion #fascism #risingfascism
I also wonder if #covid is playing a role in the return of idealized super skinny bodies? Like many tedious yet untruthful repetitions about the #pandemic, the notion that fat people are more at risk for severe outcomes from covid is looking like it's not holding up, but it's something we as a society seem to have accepted anyway. (This thread offers a good discussion: https://nitter.net/thefatdoctoruk/status/1638594179046547485#m)
#CovidIsNotOver #WearAMask #Fatphobia #Y2K #Y2KFashion #Fashion #HeroinChic
#covid #pandemic #covidisnotover #wearamask #fatphobia #y2k #y2kfashion #fashion #heroinchic
I can't quite articulate why, but something about the rise of fascism feels linked to the re-emergence of "heroin chic" fashion, the lauding of dangerously emaciated bodies, especially for women and femmes.
Yes, the popularity of #Y2K #fashion plays a role, but we could have had Y2K fashion with body diversity. We could have done it over again and done it right. I feel like something else must be going on here...
#y2k #fashion #y2kfashion #heroinchic #risingfascism
Unsere neue Folge ist da!
Laura, Katharina und Katrin blicken zurück auf 2022 und bringen drei Themen mit, die dieses Jahr nicht unbesprochen bleiben sollten: Amber Heard, die Frauen in Afghanistan und Heroin Chic. Ein etwas anderer Jahresrückblick also. Mit Lese- und Follow-Tipps für 2023
#Feminism #WeStandWithAmberHeard #HeroinChic #Afghanistan
#feminism #westandwithamberheard #heroinchic #afghanistan