Just look at this cute mural created by Melbourne’s own, artist #Juzpop.
It features on a feature wall, opposite the bar in the city’s #herosmelbourne and was painted June last year.
I love the fem strength and sass of this woman featured. So too the gorgeous flowers and foliage that sits around the main feature.
Oh, and that pretty #butterfly… oh so good!
Justine (Juzpop) nailed this mural perfectly, matching perfectly with the vibe of this bar, in #melbourne #Australia.
📸 - Pic 1 and 2 supplied by artist, with permission. 3rd pic - heroesbar.com.au
Insta: https://instagram.com/juzpop?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
#fembeauty #femskill #fempower #feminineenergy #urbanart #urbancanvas #femaleartist
#suburbanart #streetart #mastoart
#muralart #melbourne #narrm #murals #mural #publicart #art #victoria #Australia #aesthetichedonist #makesmehappy
#juzpop #herosmelbourne #butterfly #melbourne #australia #gorgeous #fembeauty #femskill #fempower #feminineenergy #urbanart #urbancanvas #femaleartist #suburbanart #streetart #mastoart #muralart #narrm #murals #mural #publicart #art #victoria #aesthetichedonist #makesmehappy